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  • Do I still have to appear for Jury Duty if just served a month ago?

    I served State Jury Duty a month ago and received my certificate of completion. I recently received another summons to appear for Jury Duty this time for United States District Court. Having already State, does this excuse me from having to do Federal? This never happened to me before.

    10 AnswersCivic Participation3 years ago
  • How can I learn how to keep going when my spirit is broken?

    2016 was the worst year I have had since 2005. Actually these last few years have been very bad. Almost everyday if not every week something bad happens whether it would be receiving bad news or just simply having s bad day.

    My mom has been in and out of the hospital since late 2015. She keeps going from the hospital to rehab and then home again.

    I have so many things on my plate that needs to be taken care of. Everything I try to do, I run into raid blocks and red tape. I keep getting knocked down and out and have to keep starting all over again.

    All my problems keep snowballing. I never feel good about things. I don't trust how things are going to work out. Prayers can only take me so far. I don't know where to turn for salvation or how much more I can take.

    I know it's life and you have to take what gets thrown at you, but I just can't ever seem to catch a break from problems, anxiety and depression. Can someone out there please help me to feel better? Even if it's just s few encouraging words.

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • Who else thinks Tom Hiddleston is pulling a publicity stunt by dating Taylor Swift?

    Something doesn't seem right to me with that. I think he is just trying to further his career by being linked to a megastar and all this us just a out on. Also, I think she is just using him to make her ex jealous and to write a new hit single. I'm just waiting for this fiasco to be over. I lost all respect for him. I thought he was a decent normal human being who didn't get caught up in all that Hollywood crap. i just want to see if anyone agrees.

    1 AnswerCelebrities5 years ago
  • How long do you think it will last between Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift?

    Who wants to make bets as to whether or when she dumps his *** cuz she needs a new hit single or he leaves her for his next female costar?

    Also, do you think she will have him beaten down and bruise his ego eventually because she reigns over him by being way more famous and having way more money than he will ever have?

    1 AnswerCelebrities5 years ago
  • How many fans do you think Tom Hiddleston lost by becoming a sell out dating Taylor Swift?

    One of the reasons why I was a fan was because he got to where he is by hard work and being good at his job. Now, that he dating a megastar, he is now only known as Taylor Swift's boyfriend.

    He doesn't need to date her to have doors open up for him in his career. He is already successful on his own. I would rather he meet someone not in the business and live a simple life out of the tabloids. Who else thinks he is doing this just to get publicity?

    1 AnswerCelebrities5 years ago
  • How can I further secure my bedroom?

    I have a key entry lock on my bedroom door, but is still afraid the person I don't want to get into bedroom will find a way to get in. How can I better secure the contents of my bedroom.?

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling5 years ago
  • How do handle a certain situation?

    So I have this family member who is a horrendous ***** almost all the time.

    It's an adult who if does't get their way becomes extremely irritate and uses tactics such bullying, terrorising and harassing us into submission.

    We refuse to give into this person, even though this person makes us pay harsh consequences for not giving into them such as being destructive, verbally abusive, rude and acts like an immature teenage dilinquint.

    We simply ignore them and not give in. What other advice can anyone possibly give?

  • Is a bedroom locked door easy for a amateur to pick?

    I had to install a key entry lock on my bedroom door when I discovered a nightmarish relative of mine living in the same house had been going into my room and taking things such as money, clothes and sleeping pills.

    I had a feeling of relief knowing the door is locked, but then quickly became paranoid at the thought of her breaking into my room by picking the lock or using other methods to get the door unlocked. I don't think she has experience in picking locks, but is afraid she will learn how and will be able to do it.

    4 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • How do I deal with a major problem?

    I am in a really bad living situation, and I can't afford to move out, plus, I care for my ailing monther.

    Living with us is a horrendous mega ***** from hell I call the beast in the basement, or monster in the basement. It's a sibling my mom was dumb enough to let move back in a few years ago.

    This person is a nightmare to live with. She is miserable and mean. She verbally abuses us and belittles us over every little thing we do.

    She has had a long time substance abuse problem and has lost everything because of it.

    We do not get along and I've had to take many precautions against her to make sure she doesn't get her hands on mine and my mom's money, among other things.

    I already caught her using my mom's credit card while my mom was laid up in the hospital.

    Now, she does spiteful little things in the house to try to tick me off.

    Her latest is dialling 411 calls at $2.00 a call on purpose just to hike up the cable bill on me.

    The only way to kick her out is to have my mom do it, and she refuses to kick her out, even though my mom is miserable and uncomfortable with her there.

    Can anyone help us? Does anyone know how I can prevent 411 calls from being made on my account?

    1 AnswerFamily5 years ago
  • Who else thinks Katie Hopkins should pay for her negativity towards overweight people?

    I personally think Katie Hopkins is as ugly of a person on the inside as she is on the outside. She is not even an attractive person. She thinks there is only 1 reason people are overweight and she says it's laziness. Plus, she fat shamed Kelly Clarkson. She is probably just jealous of Kelly Clarkson because she is young, pretty and talented. Kelly can lose weight, but what is Katie's excuse for being ugly?

    Someone needs to educate her on various reasons people put on weight. It's different for everyone and losing weight can be the hardest thing to do. It requires will power, patience and encouragement.

    Falling off the wagon is as easy as an alcoholic and drug addict falling off the wagon while in or after recovery.

    I think Katie Hopkins needs to be punished by putting her in a room with someone who will do nothing but insult her so bad she would want to commit suicide by the time they are done with her. She needs to know what it is like to have feelings hurt and be misunderstood. Who agrees with me? And if anyone knows how I can let her know how I feel about that nasty ugly troll, please let me know.

    Her experiment only proved that someone like her can gain and lose weight. Not everyone is like her.

    1 AnswerCelebrities6 years ago
  • Car ignition?

    About 15 months ago, the ignition in my 2011 Nissan Altima was replaced by a new one. I had no problems until last night, I got into my car and the key wouldn't turn. I noticed my steering wheel was very crooked and I turned it left and right and my key turned on the car when I did that. I am worried the ignition is going again. I was hoping it was because my steering wheel wasn't straight and it had locked. But I have been having a lot of bad luck with the car since I got it. Is it possible, the new ignition could be going again a little over a year later?

  • How was Loki able to shape shift into Oden in the last scene of Thor: The Dark Workd?

    So obviously, Loki died only to reincarnate back into himself, in which he shape shifted into an Asgardian soldier who came back with to tell Oden Loki had died. Then when Thor spoke to Oden about how Loki avenged Frigga's death and that he is worthy if being a king, as he walked away, Loki turned back into himself and said thank you. What happened to Oden and how was Loki able to shape shift into him?

    2 AnswersComics & Animation6 years ago
  • How much does it cost to fix 2 deep scratches on a car?

    I don't know when or how it happened but this morning as I was taking in groceries from out of my car, I noticed what looked like dirt/mud from all the dirt and snow around in this New England weather. As I went to wipe it away, I realized it was not dirt and it was paint scratched off my car. There are 2 of them one on top of the other about an 1/2 inch apart from each othet, and probably an inch long. It looks like someone might have done it on purpose for I am choosy where I park and how I park so I figured someone might had done it out of spite knowing I try to keep the body of my car in good condition since I bought it a year ago and like to keep it nice. I just want to know where is the best place to fix it and how much does it generally cost to have it fixed without it costing me an arm and a leg.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • What Christmas song do you hate the most?

    I am is sick of hearing the same Christmas songs over and over everywhere I go and at work. It's the same song sung over and over by different people. Which one is the most hated?

    8 AnswersChristmas6 years ago
  • Who else hates what Christmas has become?

    I get disgusted more and more each year when Christmas rolls around and all I see is the ugly side of it. I see people being miserable and mean in the stores yelling at the poor sales associate over coupons, promotions, and prices being too high. I see everyone driving themselves crazy, spending money they don't have on people who don't even need presents. Christmas is only enjoyable for children and rich people. Most people are unpleasant this time of year. I can on and on about all the unpleasantness of Christmas, but it would turn into a novel by the time I am done. I just want to know if other people out there feel the same.

    13 AnswersChristmas6 years ago
  • Which actor is more handsome?

    Which actor is more handsome? Tom Hiddleston or Benedict Cumberbatch?

    5 AnswersCelebrities7 years ago
  • Who is more handsome?

    Who do you think is more handsome? Tom Hiddleston or Benedict Cumberbunch?

    1 AnswerCelebrities7 years ago
  • Why won't everyone leave Jennifer Lawrence alone?

    She's a human being and everyone makes it look like she is the only person in the world to do drugs and pose nude in pictures. Do you know how many people out there are bigger freaks than celebrities are? I'm not a fan, but I think it's ridiculous in general how ridiculed celebrities get when they make a mistake and the media makes us hate them or love them. Why do we buy into that crap?

    2 AnswersCelebrities7 years ago