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Dr Jello asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 6 years ago

67% of scientists now say fears of man-made global warming were greatly exaggerated. Do you agree with this new scientific finding?

Scientists are saying that "The Cretaceous period 65 million years ago was the hottest in the history of the earth. Man was not around at the time," and that fears of climate change amount to propaganda and "unnecessarily cause panic".

Do these statements sound reasonable to you, and do you agree with them?

15 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with finding, but not due to the consensus. It is nice to know that 65% of those scientists polled are sane. But it does show that the public and scientists are waking up to the scam. To bad we can't get the politicians on board, but they are busy protecting their derrieres, putting their hands in the public trough and playing politics.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes it has become a religion and Al Gore is the pope of the cult.Think of how much money certain groups will make off of the hype.Think of all that government money going to "research".Besides there is only so much you can do ,after all whoever controls the weather controls the world.Fear is the best political motivator. Climate change is part of the nature of the planet.Common sense is to have clean energy but until there is a buck in it all that happens is talk,talk and more talk.Government regulations,fines and penalties(gotta get that bailout money somewhere) We certainly need clean air and water .I am the original recycler and I don't waste energy just like many other people.I use energy and don't go for the "guilt" trip of doing so. I have a problem with Gore the guru who flies around a fuel guzzling jet.So does Queen Pelosi who opted for a bigger one to fly back and forth to California.Remember her saying she wants to save the planet,yeah she flies we walk.We can all start by using the new energy saving light bulbs. Oh I forgot they are the ones with mercury in them.Oh,well seems like a good idea at the time. I guess you all heard that some genius politician wanted to tax cow farmers for any that own more than 100 for emitting "methane gas" yeah it's true.Can we bottle it instead?Or on second thought send some from the bull to that politician as he knows the B.S. when he sees or smells it.

  • 6 years ago

    You can't say 67% of scientists. It was 67% of scientists at this one conference who say it's greatly exaggerated. The conference may have been put on by "The Climate Change Skeptics Society of India".

    Saying that though... I'm 100% certain that fears of man made global warming are EXTREMELY exaggerated.

  • 6 years ago

    I have never believed the over rated hype of man made global warming. I've seen sure things turn out to be way off based more than a few times in my life. The hype of man made global warming looks and smell like manure so you know what I think.

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  • Noah
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Climate change over geological time is a different thing from what's currently happening over a very short 'historical' time frame'. As far as 'greatly exaggerated' is concerned, maybe... but that doesn't mean there's no valid concern. Today we have close to eight billion people on this planet. Even a small shift in such things as growing seasons or monsoons will have massive effects on large populations. ALL of the data to date has indicated historically rapid changes in rainfall patterns and the length of summers and winters particularly in the northern hemisphere. At the current rate of CO2 accumulation and hence solar heat retention we'll be at 450ppm in less than 30 years. That's at the very least the foothills of a runaway greenhouse effect... and that would be a significantly bad thing for everyone.

  • 6 years ago

    100% of everybody knows that the backyard grill produces warming of the globe that wouldn't be there if everybody wasn't enjoying the hamburgers (even those of tofu). The question is whether this warrants banning fire.

    Some say "we got computer models".

    Some say "we know what GIGO means, besides didn't The Club of Rome say that too?".

    Enjoy your burger (tofu or otherwise).

  • 6 years ago

    The earth was hotter 65 million years ago, before humans existed!

    Therefore, AGW is wrong.

    Florida has snow!

    Therefore, AGW is wrong.

    Seriously, is this the level of science the skeptics are using now?

  • JimZ
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I get it, 2 out of 3 is 67%.

    <<<if this is because of man, then what was the reason for the melting of the glaciers in the Gondwana period long before man arrived on the planet?">>>

    Why go all the way back then. You could just as easily ask why the glaciers melted 15 thousand years ago. I don't think that argument is going to change many alarmists.

  • 6 years ago

    Who cares what scientists say. As long as we're not all dead from it, let's live our lives like we're actually enjoying them, instead of being in constant fear. You people watch too much news and attend too many liberal educational institutions. Learn to create your own destiny instead of perpetually consuming someone else's progressivism.

  • Rich
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    67 percent? That will never sell. Call it 97 percent. (sarc)

    They will never give up the political battle, regardless of logic to the contrary, and they have agents and officers at every level. Global Warming amounts to little more than ambulance chasing, and it will continue as long as sensational media encourages corrupt politicians and visa versa.

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