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Does Obama’s ranking among the worst Presidents in history by 75% of Brookings Institute political scholars surprise anyone?

The Brookings Institute completed its 2015 survey for how Presidents are viewed on Presidents’ Day. The results included a 3-to-1 edge for responses categorizing Obama among the worst Presidents in history. Holdouts amounting to 25% viewed him among the best. By a 2-to-1 margin, Obama was judged overrated for performance that’s seen Americans hurt by the economy, historic job separation numbers, 8 trillion dollars debt six years into Office, and a divisive Administration openly supportive of social justice to institute the fundamental change promised by the Campaigner-in-Chief.

Several sources acknowledged the left-leaning Brookings Institute surveyed scholars and academics, who routinely favor liberal policies and measures, which may be why he was voted just the second most polarizing President, after George W Bush. Brookings and a range of media sources acknowledged that may yet change.

Does miserable performance trump political affiliation for any of Yahoo!’s leftist yahoos? Why the trouble admitting the devastation Obama's wrought on Americans who deserve better? At least honorable think-tank liberals are now admitting failure, disappointment, and increasing dissatisfaction with the left’s once untouchable Chosen One.

Update 2:

Since two responders praise Obama for an impressive economy and workforce turnaround, that’s probably worth addressing here.

January’s BLS data lists the Not Seasonally Adjusted unemployment rate at 6.1% following a third consecutive monthly loss with 431,000 fewer jobs. Since November 1, 2014, job losses topped one-and-a-quarter million according to the BLS, at 1,264,000. Additionally, last August’s 414,000 loss has four of six months’ survey results showing the U.S. economy far from recovery.

Update 3:

The Seasonally Adjusted rate (media’s standard) is at 5.7% now. The last time the BLS U3 SA rate was as good as the 5.1% Zimbo97 claims was April 2008, when it was 5.0%. The less manipulated NSA results showed a 4.8% U3 rate in April 2008, then a 5.2% rate in May. So, well into Bush’s final year, workforce statistics were far better than Obama’s shrinking figures. With 93,674,000 able bodied Americans dismissed to Not in Labor Force counts, real unemployment is more than double the BLS estimate.

Update 4:

The ETA’s cumulative count of the nation’s workforce in January 2009 recorded 133,886,830 Americans employed. By January 2015, the DOL’s real count improved from 8.33 million jobs lost under the Democrat Supermajority in 2009 & 2010 to reach 133,397,155. Now 489,675 jobs behind the workforce Obama inherited, that’s with a stunning 60 million trained, ready, and increasingly educated newcomers infused into the labor market. A half-million jobs down is mind-numbingly ugly when that’s acknowledged.

Update 5:

My figures in Update 2 showed just white American job losers. While the majority demographic suffered 84% of the job losses since last August, actual NSA survey figures showed a 638,000 jobs deficit in January, 476,000 lost in December, 270,000 in November, after 618,000 lost in August. Together the four months pared 2,002,000 jobs from the workforce, 1,678,000 of which came from workers with European heritage & lighter skin color than Obama's Administration approves of. Sorry for any confusion.

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20 Answers

  • 6 years ago

    No. But keep in mind that Western countries never faced economical challenges like today (execpt Great Depression). The world is changing with the economical rise of new countries and Weatern countries have some troubles to adapt to this new and uncomfortable situation. In Europe for instance, a lot (France, Italy, Spain, ...) also think their government is the worst ever.

    You can elect Democrats or Republicans. Maybe they can be a "not so bad" president. But IMO people shouldn't think we can have an A+ president nowadays.

  • 6 years ago

    Don't forget the purge over the last several years of conservative military Generals.

    How many Cabinet chiefs has The Presidency had to replace over the last 5 years? Including rats abandoning a sinking ship.... like Hillary. John Kerry is Sec De State? How absurd is that?

    Obama's Presidency is a complete disaster and I know since when I was active Duty USAF, Jimmy "you can trust me" Carter was my CIC. What the heck is wrong with Democrats (and now Republicans, who have no Heroic Reagans on the horizon) that they inflict USA with losers running the show?

    The situation is dire and dismal.

    Washington DC is a mess, FedGov is a mess. Reminds me of the ancient Romans

    Fortunately Obama has no horses. Michelle notwithstanding. She looks pretty scary to me.

    Something's wrong with this picture.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I'm not surprised. So, then, only 25% of Brookings political scholars are color-blinded Obama sheep.

    "Worst President Ever… Obama’s Legacy – Destruction of US Middle Class"

  • 6 years ago

    No! It is hard to believe the negative record of achievements by Obama were not done intentionally. There are so many they just couldn't have happened by accident.

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  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I never though any president could be worse than Carter, but Cater just couldn't make the correct decisions while Obama seems to make America less safe, more unemployment and deeper into debt on propose.

    If you are far leftest then you like OBH but if you want the constitution protect5ed and FOLLOWED then he is a terrible president.

  • 6 years ago

    Obama has an extremely twisted ideology. You have to consider that over half the country voted for this man to FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM this country. My God. I still can not believe this is happening. This country is gone because its citizenry has been completely brain washed and lacks the character to even understand what the United States is all about or why people have been flocking here for hundreds of years. They just don't get it.

  • 6 years ago

    not many people with jobs. those are the people who pay the price through tax dollars for failed Obama Marxism and they in fact do carry the REAL common sense..

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    The economy is growing, unemployment is down to 5.1%, the budget deficit has been cut and real wages are starting to rise.

    From all those perspectives he's done a fantastic job, especially considering the performance of other western nations and Europe.

    Only thing I'd criticise him for is foreign policy.

  • 6 years ago

    Everything was Great when NObama took office. It was handed to NObama on a SILVER PLATTER and he ****ED IT UP BAD!!!!

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    He is the first Kenyan aboriginal with this honor.

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