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Are O’s economic recovery claims accurate, given 93,686,000 NiLF, 130 million jobs lost, & a workforce down 489,675 with 60 mil new entrants?

The numbers are staggering. After six years as President, the DOL’s count from employment offices for all 50 states shows employers’ payroll record counts down 489,675 since 2009. What makes the half-million jobs shortage especially painful is almost 60-million newcomers infused into the workforce. That includes 29 million higher education graduates, at least 15-16 million newcomers who entered with less education, 6.5 million foreign born awarded green cards, and more than 3.3 million H1-B visa holders, refugees & asylees combined. Those figures don’t include migrant Mexican Nationals, Central & South Americans who’ve added millions more.

While Americans relegated to Not in Labor Force reached another record high of 93,686,000 on February’s Employment Situation Report, all other figures pale in comparison to the cumulative weekly counts of new claimants for UEI after job losses, which has reached 129.8 million from January 24, 2009 to February 28, 2015. At its current pace, the record-high blood-letting of jobs for the Obama Administration will top the 133,886,830 American workers who were employed when he took Office around Memorial Day. Count on total jobs losers exceeding that staggering number by, or during, the first week of June. Come Memorial Day, the solemn occasion meant to honor America’s fallen warriors might as appropriately apply in memoriam of the nation’s struggling, shrunken workforce.

How can anyone see this as the healed economy Obama claimed in the SOTU?


Update: A more detailed explanation is available here:

The graphs shown reflect Department of Labor employer's payroll record counts from the Employment & Training Administration's (ETA) r539cy report. The Not in Labor Force figure uses the NSA count on February's BLS Employment Situation Report: Household Data Table A-1. The 130 million jobs lost are shown every week since Jan. 24, 2009 on Excel charts at the RMP site.

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6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Not even Close.

    Obama's economy numbers in the Emploument area are better like improving the health Stats by killing all the sick people.

    It's the same damned thing. The expansion of what counts as a disability, then you autonatically take those people out of the workforce. Many get part time jobs and double dip. but still live in poverty.

  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Recovery, only a left wing ok a far left wing kook would think we are in a recovery, the feds are giving the 1% money for the markets but the poor and lower middle clas are getting the shaft while the Obama donors are getting the gold.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    No. They're a Iie and everyone with a brain knows it.

  • J M
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Right, posting a bunch of manipulated figures makes you knowledgeable.

    The economy is recovering, and the stock has completely recovered, as anyone with a retirement account knows.

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  • 6 years ago

    Yes, they're accurate. He's been amazingly successful, when you consider the hole we were in six years ago. Way to go!

    Oh good grief, I just noticed. Your source is "Rocky Mountain Perspective"! Hahaha!

  • 6 years ago

    Everything he says is a lie.

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