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Do you agree that 'Best Answer' points should be based on how many people answered that question?

For example:

If I was the only person that answered the question, why should I still get 10 points?

But if my question is voted best answer and there are 20 replies to that question, I should get some sort of bonus?

Maybe 10 points for a best answer on a question that has less than 10 replies and 15 points if it has more than 10 replies.

Do you agree?


7 Answers

  • Iggy
    Lv 7
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That would give more points to a polls and survey answer than to an answer to a physics question that involved solving Schrodinger's equation where only one person knew how to answer and, once answered, no one else could do any better.

    That strategy would work if the purpose of the site were social rather than knowledge. However, if you want answers to tough questions you need another strategy for Best Answers to be appropriately recognized.

    I agree many answers are minimal. The fact these get the same points as more detailed answers can be galling. However, a scheme that recognized Best Answers picked from a multitude could easily play into the hands of those creating sock puppet accounts and robot spam farms.

  • 6 years ago

    That's an interesting idea, which in eight years I can say I have not seen posted here before. Congratulations!

    But I don't agree with it. If you hit a home run in baseball, it's still just one point when you cross home plate, regardless of how many players were on base when you hit it. I think the same philosophy should hold true for Best Answer. Besides, the number of responders to any given question is based on a high level of random chance, which would unfairly punish not only a responder who is tempted to answer a question with few or no other answers, but also the person who asked the question.

  • 6 years ago

    I don't agree with that.It would cause more resentment but you raise a good point about those with a high amount of answers.It has been suggested before that an option of choosing 2 or even 3 bests should be introduced.Say 5 or more points each.A better idea.That would help to get more people picked and involved.

  • 6 years ago

    If you look at the questions that get the most answers, they are usually fun or chatty questions and have nothing to do with serious information exchange. So a serious math question may get 10 points for BA, but "What is Justin Bieber's best feature?" would get 20? I think the site would be in trouble with such a system.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    No, cause that serves no useful purpose and there's enough users complaining about not getting answers as it is

  • 6 years ago

    I believe a best answer means more if you actually put a real effort into answering. Points mean nothing to me and I wish this site didn't promote competition.

  • 6 years ago

    Thank you to ALL of you for your honest and interesting answers.


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