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Do the atheists out there know the reasons behind the Christian crusades and the reason behind Muslim millennia long invasion of Europe ?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Do the atheists out there know the reasons behind the Christian crusades and the reason behind Muslim millennia long invasion of Europe ?

    ---- Yep.

  • 6 years ago

    1. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence, or, expanding Muslim populations are and were in search of better climate, more resources, jobs etc and went out and took them.

    The first crusade was ostensibly to keep the Muslim infidels away from Jerusalem, Bethlehem etc, but the Pope was keen to have the crusaders kick Germans out of Rome on the way. Suitable "spiritual" and material inducements were being offered.

    2. Historically, expansion in the Chinese empire has been followed by immigration and / or invasion of Europe from the east as non-Chinese populations shuffle westward.

    3. Illuminati / Freemasons / Rosicrucians.

    4. Bananoid aliens from the planet Naranfabat.

    5. Some bullsh!t supernatural "theory" concocted by an on-line fraud in the hopes of making money from mugs who buy into it.

    Two of these are probable, the rest are bollocks. You choose.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Jews and Muslims were living together IN PEACE in Jerusalem when the Christian Crusaders arrived and "liberated" the city by murdering the Jews and Muslims right in their houses of worship - and afterwards, the Christians were PROUD of what they had done and boasted about it! We still have their writings to prove it today. The Christians spared neither women nor children.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Islam 1400 yrs nothings changed hopefully another crusade is on the horizon or europe will be praying to a false god and speaking gobblygook arabic.

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  • 6 years ago

    Profit and power. The Crusades started with the slaughter of unarmed Jews in Hungary and ended with the two Children's Crusades, in which gullible children of gullible parents were rounded up, taken to the Middle East, and sold into slavery.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    There's a difference between invading and immigrating. Currently, yea, I'd suspect them of trying to invade and corrupt. The thing is, they've mistaken europeans for the americans who've occupied their homes, and continue to bomb them daily. Europeans aren't dumb enough to buy into the god garbage, let alone the oppressive muslim version of it.

    Once they get a taste of an actual society, their religious dogma will fade.

  • gillie
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Atheists are more likely to know accurate history. Christians usually just know the propaganda their churches teach.

  • 6 years ago

    Yes. Pillaging & plundering.

  • Edward
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Yes. So what? More blood spilled in the name of your benevolent creator.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    nope.. i blame the protestant rebellion... when they twisted the crusade story to anti-catholic propaganda to suit their agenda.

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