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How painful is a neck tattoo?

I'm turning 18 in a few months and I'm considering getting a tattoo of my favorite band's logo since they are a huge inspiration to me and helped me with deciding to pursue my career path and are basically the reason I decided to go to college. The logo is basically tally marks (the band is New Politics, by the way) and I want the logo at the back of my neck, not very big. Probably 1.5in by 1.5in.

My mom is allowing me to get it as long as the tattoo can be easily covered, so I thought that the neck would be smart since I usually wear my hair down. I've been doing some research though and I've heard that the neck is one of the most painful areas to get a tattoo. I'm just wondering from someone with experience how painful it really is.

Also, any other suggestions for spots to get tattoos that you can easily hide? Thanks in advance!


I want the tattoo directly in the middle of my neck, about half an inch below where my hairline starts.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Any tattoo will cause some pain. I think a neck tattoo will cause pain depending on the area.

  • Nataly
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    The back of the neck is a walk in the park. I got mine and it was so easy the most annoying/painful part was the tattoo artist pressing against my neck and me having to hold my neck straight.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i imagine the neck would be painful. thin skin, little fat, near bone, and VERY sensitive. i have to agree with the first answerer, as much as i LOVE tattoos, depending on your life situation, a neck tattoo may not be the best spot.

  • Cesar
    Lv 4
    6 years ago

    Girls are going gaga with tattoos these days. I've seen some whose private parts are also tattooed!

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