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what time do you get up on christmas morning and what do you do?

i am usually up between 5 and 7 and wait in my room untill the time i have agreed with my mum that i can come downstairs. while i am in my room i open my stocking and play with/use whats in it. when i am allowed down i put everything back in my stocking and go downstairs and look at the tree and play with my dogs (one of them died this year so it will be dog this year) while stopping our airedale from trying to open the presents under or tree until my parents get up then i open my presents and give my dog his present. later my parents open there presents as they are too tired to concentrate on anything when they first get up but i will have been up for ages already.

i am 21 and love christmas more than anything

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    You're 21, wake up when you please. You have no school and no work (hopefully). Enjoy the day off, your presents will still be there later.

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