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What are some good, non-cliche songs to use for the bride's section of a wedding slideshow?

I need a song to use for the bride's section of their slideshow. I dont want anything cliche like "Girls just want to have fun" and nothing sentimental from either dad or mom.

Please give me any possible suggestion you could think of.


NOTE: If you dont have a suggestion to my specific question, then please dont bother replying giving me your opinion about the use of slideshows at weddings. That is NOT what I asked and dont care to know whether you enjoy them or not.

9 Answers

  • ross
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Cliche Wedding Songs

  • 6 years ago

    What about "We'll Never Be Royals"? There's a certain odd humor with it and nobody would ever call it sentimental.

    However, I'm talking about a 45 second splice from it. Like others, I hate these things, but they're even worse when they drag on. Somebody needs to start a trend where these are shown at the rehearsal dinner, where it's more possible someone might care.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I can't give you any specific suggestions other than to say I've never been to a wedding where the guests appreciated being held captive to a slideshow. Some people think it's downright strange (and bears too much resemblance to a memorial service).

    Can't the bride and groom enjoy their family photos on their own time?

  • 6 years ago

    I Knew I Loved You by Savage Garden, My Heart Will Go On, Because You Loved Me, and How Do I Live by LeAnn Rimes are good songs for a wedding slideshow. I Will Always Love You is a good song for a wedding slideshow.


    Source(s): From my own opinion. Thanks.
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  • 6 years ago

    A slide show is cliche and generally boring.

    When selecting music behind a visual presentation you want to select something that evokes the emotional response and fits with the people involved. Most song about daughters are designed to be sentimental.

    How about You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet -- that out to get some laughs.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    If you must have a slideshow, I would suggest making it and burning it onto DVDs, then hand them out to each of your guests. I wouldn't play it at the actual reception, though.

  • 6 years ago

    the songs are supposed to fit the action of the photos. look at the photos themselves for inspiration....IF you really must do this. everyone hates these things except the family members who are close to the bride and groom.

    the best ones have photos which were carefully chosen to show some of the other people who are going to be present at the wedding....other friends and family interacting with the bride and groom make people enjoy it more.

    you don't have to stick to one song. you can use a montage of songs. or choose one that actually fits the bride herself. something that will remind everyone of her.

  • 6 years ago

    Please drop the slideshow It is the worst part of any wedding that tries it and it bores the heck out of anyone that is not close family and sometimes it bores them too. No one wants to see this so please spare everyone and don't do it

  • 6 years ago

    Something SHORT, please. Nobody wants to sit through a long slideshow.

    Better yet, nix the slideshow entirely.

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