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Favorite Answers3%
  • Why is my package still stuck in transit?

    I ordered something on EBay, and it still didn't come to my house. It is still stuck in transit in Pontiac, Michigan since 1158am. It was transfered over to Rochester at 223am, but it was returned back to Pontiac, Michigan at 1158am, and is still stuck in transit in Pontiac, Michigan. Why is my USPS package still stuck in transit?


    3 AnswersCommuting1 year ago
  • How can I convince my parents to let me stay home from vacation on Thursday?

    I am 19 years old, but I don't want to go on a vacation I won. Whenever I go on vacation, I get homesick and always have to have ride in a plane home. I cry whenever I get homesick, and my dad calls me a 2 year old when I cry when I am homesick, and I am 19 years old, not 2. I told my parents that I don't want to go to Florida, but my parents won't believe me and say no. I am not going to invite any boys over to sleep with until when I am married, and I am not going to have any parties when my parents are not home because I know that parties without the parents being at home is wrong. I don't drink alcohol until when I am 21, and I don't use drugs. I tried telling my parents that I am going to live at grandma's if they don't let me stay home with a family member, but my parents said no. I am 19, so I really want to stay home from vacation on Thursday. It is to Florida for a few days, and I don't like going away. How can I convince my parents to let me stay home from vacation? Can you help?


    5 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • How can I convince my parents to let me do a birthday party?

    I am going to be 19 this year, but I really want to do a party for my 19th birthday. I have convinced my dad to let me do a party for my birthday, but my dad said no and wants me to do a family dinner for my birthday like on Friends. I don't want to do a family dinner for my birthday because that is what people who are in their mid-20's do for their birthdays like on Friends. My dad told me that I don't know any of the sophomores and juniors, but I do know the sophomores and juniors because I went to school with them. Most of my friends are away at college, but I can do my family party on the 10th of December and do my friend party on the 16th of December. How can I convince my parents to let me do a birthday party? Can you help?


    1 AnswerFriends4 years ago
  • 19th birthday ideas?

    I am going to be 19, but I really want to do a party for my 19th birthday. I have convinced my dad that on Friends, they did a family dinner and got gifts on their birthdays, and this isn't Friends, but my dad said that I am too grown-up, and I am not because I am not the Friends character's age. Friends is TV, not real life. Any ideas? Can you help?


    1 AnswerOther - Holidays4 years ago
  • My mom won't let me have glamour magazine? Please help?

    I'm 17 (close to 18) and I have been reading glamour magazine @ Barnes & Noble for who knows how long. I decided I wanted to get a subscription so i can keep the magazines, but my mom thinks some of the content is bad. I've had the talk about some of the content in glamour in health last year and I think that she needs to get real with today's society and realize that I am not 12 anymore. How can I convince her without saying these things?


    1 AnswerMagazines5 years ago
  • How can I start listening to my parents? Please help?

    I wasn't listening to my parents this past weekend because I was going out with one of my friends' graduates even though I don't have a boyfriend after homecoming sophomore year, and one of my friends' graduates was badgering my parents at homecoming sophomore year even though I don't have a boyfriend. Then last year, one of my friends' graduates went to jail, and my parents didn't like one of my friends' graduates even though I don't have a boyfriend. I badgered and bullied people to get what I wanted this past Friday night because one of my friends' graduates badgered and bullied his friends and one of my friends' graduates family to get what he wanted even though I don't have a boyfriend. I need a TV character I really like to be a better boyfriend than one of my friends' graduates. I was throwing a fit to get ready to go to a baseball game this past weekend because one of my friends' graduates threw a fit when he did something with one of my friends' graduates' family. I badgered my mom because one of my friends' graduates badgered my mom and his mom at homecoming sophomore year after one of my friends' graduates was dancing with somebody else. Then, I badgered my mom because one of my friends' graduates was badgering my mom and his mom at homecoming. I threw a fit this morning because one of my friends' graduates threw a fit when he got up for church with one of my friends' graduates' family. How can I start listening to my parents? Can you help?


    3 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • How can I convince my parents to let me stay home with another relative? Please help?

    I don't feel good and can't go on vacation to Manistee. My nose is running, and I am still coughing. I know that I can't go on vacation when I am sick because if I go on vacation when I am sick, I would give everybody else germs, and I don't want that. I have convinced one of my parents that, but they said that I will be fine even though my nose is running, and I am still coughing. I really want to stay at home with my grandma, and the only reasons why I want to stay at home with my grandma are because I am sick and can't go because my nose is still running, and I am still coughing still. How can I convince my parents to let me stay home with another relative? Can you help?


    4 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • How can I convince my parents to let me stay at home with another relative? Please help?

    My family is going to Milwaukee next Friday, but I don't feel good enough to go and can't go. I am still coughing still, and I don't want to give the people in Milwaukee germs. I have told them that, but all my parents said that I am going, but I don't want to give the people in Milwaukee germs. I have convinced my parents that I have summer homework to do, but all they said is that I am going, but I don't want to give the people in Milwaukee germs. I have convinced my parents that on Friends, they get to stay at home while their family goes on vacation, but all they said is that they don't live at their parents' house anymore on Friends because they got jobs and moved out on it. Two of my friends get to stay at home next Friday because they are going away. The only reasons why I don't want to go are that I am not feeling good and can't go because I am coughing still, I don't want to give the people in Milwaukee my germs, I have summer homework to do, and I want to watch my grandma's TV. The only ways I can convince my parents to let me stay at home with another relative are to have stomach surgery (which is what I don't want to do because I feel worried that they wouldn't put me in the adult section), have gallbladder surgery (which is what I don't want to do either) get a job at Hollister or Panera and move out like they did on Friends (which is what I don't want to do either.

    How can I convince my parents to let me stay home with another relative? Can you help?

    5 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • How can I convince my parents to let me stay home with another relative? Please help?

    I am going on vacation to Milwaukee next Friday, but I don't want to go because I have gallstones and can't go. I feel worried that if I tell my parents that, I feel worried that my parents would do what one of my mom's friends does with one of her kids, which is to hire a home health aide even though I only want to stay at home with another relative. I feel worried that if I tell my parents that I have gallstones and can't go, I feel worried that my parents would treat me like a toddler if I tell my parents that I have gallstones and can't go. On Friends, they aren't going on vacation with their family on Friends because they don't live at their parents' house anymore on Friends because they got jobs and moved out on Friends. The only reasons why I don't want to go on vacation next Friday are because I really want to watch my grandparents' TV, I have summer homework to do, and I have gallstones and can't go. Two of my friends from church are not going because they are going away for school soon, and two of my friends from church can stay home by themselves. How can I convince my parents to let me stay home with another relative? Can you help?


    2 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • How can I convince my parents to let me stay home at another relative's house? Please help?

    My family is going on vacation to Milwaukee next Friday, but I don't want to go because I have gall stones and can't go. My dad is making me go, but I don't want to go because I have gall stones and can't go. If I tell my dad that, I feel worried that my parents would treat me like a toddler, and I am almost 18 if I tell my dad that. I also feel worried that if I tell my parents that I have gall stones and can't go, I feel worried that my parents would do what one of my mom's friends who I don't know did with one of her kids, which is to hire a home health aide even though I want to stay home with another relative like my grandparents or one of my cousins if I have gall stones and can't go on vacation. On Friends, they didn't go on vacation with their family on Friends because they don't live at their parents' house anymore on Friends because they got jobs and moved out. The only reasons why I don't want to go on vacation to Milwaukee are because I really want to watch my grandparents' TV, I really want to watch one of my shows, I have a lot of summer homework to do, I start school on August 30th, and I have gall stones and can't go. I feel worried that if I tell my parents that I don't want to go on vacation next Friday, I feel worried that my parents would treat me like a special needs child if I don't go. How can I convince my parents to let me stay home with another relative? Can you help?


    2 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • 18th birthday ideas? Please help?

    I am going to be 18 this December, and I really need some ideas for my 18th birthday this December. Any ideas? Can you help?


    3 AnswersOther - Holidays5 years ago
  • Why is YouTube not working on my Nokia phone? Please help?

    I have a Nokia phone, but YouTube is not working on my Nokia phone. I tried using YouTube yesterday, but it worked yesterday. I tried using YouTube today, but it won't work today. Why is YouTube not working on my Nokia phone? Can you help?


    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • Why is YouTube not working on my Nokia phone? Please help?

    I have a Nokia phone, but YouTube is not working on my Nokia phone. I tried using YouTube to watch a video on my phone last week, but it won't work on my Nokia phone. I tried using YouTube to watch a video on my Nokia phone last week, but it still won't work on my Nokia phone. Why is YouTube not working on my phone? Can you help?


    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • Why doesn't YouTube work on my cell phone? Please help?

    I have a Nokia cell phone, and when I watch a video on YouTube, it pauses each minute. My parents have IPhones, and when my parents watch a video on YouTube, it works. Why doesn't YouTube work on my cell phone? Can you help?


    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • How can I convince my parents to let me move out? Please help?

    I am 17 and going to be 18 this December, but I really want to work at Panera Bread after High School. My dad wants me to work at a relative's restaurant, and I don't like it as much as I do for Panera Bread. I have convinced my dad that on Friends, they aren't working at their relatives' restaurant, but all he said is that they don't live at their parents' house anymore on Friends because they got jobs and moved out on Friends. I really want to move out and live at my grandma's house after High School like they did on Friends, but I feel worried that I wouldn't like it if I move out and live at my grandma's house after High School like they did on Friends and would come back home if I move out and live at my grandma's house after High School like they did on Friends. How can I convince my parents to let me move out? Can you help?


    3 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Why is YouTube not working on my phone? Please help?

    I have a Nokia phone, but YouTube is not working on my phone. I tried to watch a video on YouTube on my phone this past Friday, but it won't work. I tried to watch a video on YouTube yesterday, but it still won't work. I tried watching a video on YouTube on my phone, but it still won't work. Why is YouTube not working on my phone? Can you help?


    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • Why do I only get one channel on my antenna? Please help?

    I got a digital TV indoor antenna for Easter last year and my dad hooked up my antenna. My dad did a channel scan but it only gets one channel, 42. My TV in my room is an older TV, so I need a new TV for my room so that I can get more channels like MeTV, Antenna TV, Decades, and all of the other channels.

    I can't watch my TV in my room because the channel on my TV in my room right now has shows that are not good shows like The Big Bang Theory, the one talk show that is a bad show, and other filthy shows on that channel, so I always want to go over to my grandma's house to watch her TV on Sunday afternoons, but my grandma has to fill out paperwork for my great aunt's appointment because no one can do it for my great aunt who has health problems. My dad won't give me the TV in my parents' room and give the TV in my room to one of my dad's friends. My dad won't hook up the two antennas I have outside of my house to my room so that I can get more channels, and my dad won't hook up the boosters to the antennas that are outside of my house to my room.

    I tried to tell my mom that one of my great aunt's children should fill out the paperwork for my great aunt's appointment for my great aunt, but one of her children won't do it. What could cause an antenna to only get one channel? Why do I only get one channel on my antenna? Can you help?


    1 AnswerTVs5 years ago
  • Why is my Amazon Fire tablet not working? Please help?

    Since when I came home from my grandma's house today, my Amazon Fire tablet is not working. I tried pressing the on button multiple of times, but it still won't work. Why is my Amazon Fire tablet not working? Can you help?


    3 AnswersOther - Electronics5 years ago
  • Why is YouTube not working on my phone? Please help?

    I tried going onto YouTube last week, but it won't work. I tried going onto YouTube today, but it still won't work. All YouTube kept doing on my phone is pausing the video every minute of every video I watch or listen to on YouTube on my phone. Why is YouTube not working on my phone? Can you help?


    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • Why am I out of control? Please help?

    I was out of control a few minutes ago because the TV show Jessie made me do it. I was fussing because the TV show Jessie made me do it. I have seen the TV show Jessie before when I was 13, and I saw that creepy Connie was fussing over Luke on the TV show Jessie. I was harassing my brother because the TV show Jessie made me do it. I have seen the TV show Jessie before when I was 13, and I saw that creepy Connie was harassing Luke on the TV show Jessie. I was badgering my mom during the car show yesterday because the TV show Jessie made me do it. I have seen the TV show Jessie before when I was 13, and I saw that creepy Connie was badgering Luke on the TV show Jessie. I feel like the only ways that can help me calm myself down, start settling myself down, start being in control instead of out of control, stop fussing over things, stop harassing people, and to stop badgering people are to get pregnant at age 17 instead of at age 30 (which is what I don't want to do until when I am married) or have surgery on my stomach (which is what I don't want to do either because they don't allow cell phones at my local hospital, and I feel worried that I would be placed in the kids section of my local hospital instead of the adult section of my local hospital if I have surgery on my stomach because of my age even though I am almost 18). Why am I out of control? Can you help?


    3 AnswersMental Health5 years ago