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Lv 6

Christians. What do you have to loose if you are wrong about this whole God thing ? Same question to atheist. What if you wrong ?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I lose nothing if I am wrong. In fact, if I am wrong I will never be able to find out because I will be dead. I can't say I wasted my life, because I have enjoyed the religious parts and have enjoyed the company of my church friends.

    Maybe I went through life being unnecessarily kind and generous to strangers but is that really a bad thing? I think the world needs more people being kind to others.

  • 6 years ago

    If I am wrong, and it turns out there is a theistic god out there, then in all probability, out of the billions of possible gods, each with billions of possible afterlives, and each of those with billions of possible criteria for reaching them, it won't be any god that we humans have ever imagined.

    It's also more likely that an existent god which cares about what people believe, will value honest skepticism more than wishful thinking and gullibility, so those that currently believe in any gods are actually less likely to be rewarded than those that don't.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    What does it matter? I am not a theist or a Wayist based on what I might gain or lose by it. I am a theist and a Wayist because I believe it is the truth. If I am wrong I am wrong, but I have a clear conscience and have been true to myself. That I can look myself in the mirror with no shame, and can lay down in death knowing I have honestly done what I believe is the right thing is sufficient for me and more than a lot of other people can say!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    If I'm wrong, I will accept it. I'll say "I was wrong"

    However, that does not mean I'll convert into Christianity. I'll accept that there is a god but no worship stuff. I don't care if I burn in hell.

    EDIT: just to be clear, I won't "convert" because I am not going to go against my own thoughts and morals just so I wont burn in hell

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  • lose, not loose.

    Since nobody can possibly know what a god thinks, we both have the same thing to lose, I suppose. We are faced with a potentially pissed off super entity that is upset that we failed to follow his rules.

    Even Blaise Pascal himself recognized that his thought experiment was meaningless since there is no way to calculate the likelihood of ANY belief being true.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    If I'm wrong, I have been nice to homosexuals my entire life, for the wrong reason.

    If Christians are wrong, they've treated homosexuals very poorly, for the wrong reason.

    I'll let you decide which one's better.

  • 6 years ago

    As a Christian I wouldn't loose anything, but as it is I know I am right in my beliefs.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Depends. Is this that old idiotic argument about "believe just in case"??

    A) There is exactly as much evidence (which is to say none) supporting the existence of all the deities that have ever existed. I could decide to worship "Allah", ya know, "just in case" yet end up p***ing off the christian version of the same god and burn in hell. I may worship the christian version of "Allah", "Yahweh" and end up just pi**ing off Odin. I might decide to devote myself to Odin and just end up making Huracan mad... Perhaps I'll chose Huracan and just make Tonacacihuatl angry. There have been THOUSANDS of gods dreamed up over the years. How to pick?

    B) I'd have to somehow delude myself for hours a day into acting like I thought any of that stuff even MIGHT be real. I might could do that for a few days. But from now until I die? No chance.

    C) Even if I could pull it off, if some sort of "god" does end up being real (remarkably unlikely), and it ends up being a petty, jealous, psychopathic god like those represented in many religions like islam and christianity (even more unlikely), and wants to torture people for no good reason (more unlikely still), is "omniscient", AND just so happens to be the ONE god(s) out of thousands that I randomly picked to worship (astronomically unlikely) do you really think that it wouldn't be able to see through my puny mortal ruse to believe in it "just in case"? Please.

    D) And then of course there would be the fact that I would have completely p***ed away untold thousands of man hours of my life, the one and only life I get, just so I could pretend to devote myself to a supernatural deity with magical powers that I know good and well doesn't exist anyway......

    E) AND if there does end up being some sort of "god(s)" in the universe they pretty clearly are not the "gods" described in any of the religions we have on Earth. So probably would not be petty, violent, jealous a$$holes anyway. So, if they cared about us at all, or even realized we existed, they would probably be more happy with the fact that I led an empathetic life, didn't harm others, and used logic and reason than they would be with some superstitious dude who just latched on to some story goat herders dreamed up while sitting around a camp fire in the desert 3,000 years ago.......

    I mean I've never understood how believers can look at EVERY other religion that has ever existed and say, "Man, look at the silly bulls*** those stupid f***ers believe in...." Yet when you look at them without a thick dose of dogma and conditioning you realize that in its own way every single religion out there is no more realistic, has no more evidence or proof, and is EVERY BIT as silly as any other religion that has ever existed. Just one example, the christian bible has a talking donkey in it. How is that different from islam's flying horse, or the mormon's magic gold tablets??

    I also don't understand what magical benefits deities get from people "believing" in them. Who cares?? What difference would that make to an all powerful entity with infinite knowledge and magic..... In some religions the gods actually fed off the worship of their followers, and would die without it. So at least there's an excuse there why they want it. Other than just being vain a$$holes that would fit in well on a "reality" show.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I probably am wrong, but I think that about everybody. The truth is we just don't know. Anyone who thinks they do is an idiot.

    Source(s): The harsh reality of living
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    if a christian is wrong, nothing happens, and a christian life is better than an Atheist life anyway

    if an Atheist is wrong, he goes to hell

    there is no good reason to be an Atheist

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