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Lv 7
Maxx asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 6 years ago

Has the Alarmist Climate Community's attempted intimidation tactic to have skeptics investigated under RICO backfired on the Alarmists?

US Congress To Investigate Climate Scientists Behind RICO Campaign

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its the alarmist that need to be looked at and audited . Their books are like Enrons .

  • JC
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    Possibly, but likely far less than the comparison Hobbit drew with the Tea Party's intimidation tactics here in the U.S. have served the Tea Party or the entire Republican Party. Of course, in a hilarious twist there, the tactics the Tea Party has used served to intimidate their parent party, the Republicans, far more than it did the Democrats, who were their intended targets. I doubt that the impact will be anywhere near that dramatic for the warmers. The alarmists-or the extreme end of the warmer community-aren't having much more luck than the extreme opposite end, which (in another hilarious and ironic situation) we now are supposedly to call doubters to be all politically correct and avoid hurting the feelings of many people who are most adamantly opposed to the call for THEM to be politically correct. Wah wah wah.

    Of course, that brings up the matter of whether or not "Skeptics" are engaged in the deliberate dissemination of falsehoods, the operative word being 'deliberate.' If that behavior falls under RICO statutes practically every doubter out there should be investigated. Of course, that would be a witch hunt and certainly would backfire just like McCarthyism did in the 1950s and real life witch hunts did in the...was it the15th or 16th century? Not that there are any Joan D'Arcs in the ranks of doubters any more than there are Gallileos except among the self-styled delusional.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    $$$ is suppose to be the exchange median for a product or services rendered. Using Government $$$ for political purposes or litigation purposes should be Constitutionally outlawed. Sending a letter to the President was a plea for justice, but when we found out that this "CLOWN" was abusing his authority by "profiteering" through assigning himself an enormous salary, it totally negated his plea for justice. His hypocrisy is showing just as clearly as his epidermis.

    $63 million is small potatoes, but that's how the "non-profits" operate. Why not? It's FREE $$$. They can do whatever they want to with it after they get it, but it just goes to show how BIG the U.S. Government really is. 14 years @ an average cost of $5 million a year can buy a lot of influence from just 1 non-profit entity. Let's not forget about Solyndra @ a 1-time cost of $580+ billion (almost 10x that amount) in 1 lump sum payment.

    "Filtering" and "channeling" $$$ for political purposes through non-profits and FAKE Corporations for profit are a good way to keep creating more CHAOS in the World. That's the WAY of BIG GOVERNMENT THINKERS!

  • Mike
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Yes. It seems he brought attention to himself and found his double dipping in NSF grants revealed to the public. His charity does legitimately good work, but it shouldn't have gotten the money from NSF grants.

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Skeptics would not be under investigation, swindlers who lie and profit from those lies would potentially be under investigation.


    Attachment image
  • Hobbit
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Hardly. The Tea Party tries to smear anyone they don't like with an "investigation>" No one takes them seriously.

  • S
    Lv 7
    6 years ago


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