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Lv 6
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 6 years ago

Is "Why" the wrong question? What is the right question?

As in, "Why am I alive?" or "Why should I continue to live?"

Is "Who am I?" or "What is asking the question?" a better question to ask? Are there other better questions?

What *is* asking the question?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.

    Who are you? What are you? Why are you? These are all the same question. If you find the answer to one of them, you will find the answer to all of them.

    What is asking the question? Consciousness? Perhaps, but this consciousness has a vast creative and reasoning potential. This consciousness must be intelligent. So what are you? Consciousness, which is intelligent. Is consciousness or intelligence some "thing", or is it nonphysical and far more dynamic and mysterious?

    Now examine an animal, such as a dog. Is it conscious? Surely. Is it intelligent? Perhaps not in the way we use the term, but the dog certainly possesses a degree of intelligence.

    Now examine a plant. Is it conscious? Perhaps. Is it intelligent? It performs many functions such as photosynthesis, surely there must be an intelligence operating within the plant to cause it to function, even if not consciously.

    Now examine a rock. Is it conscious? Not quite. Is it intelligent? It doesn't seem to be.

    What I am getting at is that intelligence is like a flower blooming. It is an upward spiraling energy toward a more comprehensive consciousness of being. You are progressively becoming more intelligent, more aware, more conscious. The intelligence flows everywhere and we are all it. This intelligence is all there is.

    It is important to develop compassion and wisdom, as these are the traits of this mysterious intelligence, and hence, of your true identity. The reason humans are the only species capable of kindness and compassion is that these traits are more spiritually evolved and intelligently informed principles.

    ~ Love and Light ~

  • 6 years ago

    Is "Why" the wrong question? What is the right question?

    As in, "Why am I alive?" or "Why should I continue to live?" Is "Who am I?" or "What is asking the question?" a better question to ask? Are there other better questions? What *is* asking the question?

    ~~~ The same 'What' is asking all 'questions' and answering them! *__-

    ALL 'whowhatwherewhenwhy...' exists in the ('thought/imagination', ego) eye of the beholder!

    So, who is the beholder?

    Existence = the complete Universe = Nature = Reality = Consciousness = Truth = Love = 'Self!' = God = Brahman = Tao = ... etc....



    One Omni- Self!

    We are the Beholder!

    There is One (unchanging, ALL inclusive) Universal Reality/Self! and we are all unique Conscious Perspectives (Souls) perceiving Self uniquely, every moment of Universal existence!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    I think, May be, "Why" is Still Searching with Its "Conscious" of the Questioning Ability with the Accompanying Actions while finding the Reactions as the Answers with the "Continuity" as the Ongoing process without the Ending, Where "Why" is Always "There" with Its "Hiding" .

  • 6 years ago

    Whatever "W" initial questions asked is right question , if you are really searching for an answer ? otherwise its just a mental entertainment for your mind . The best question that can be asked is " whatever answer am getting , am I able to apply them ?"

    Fair answer will close all the "W" question for us , if we don't truely apply what we understand , it will only creat more "w" questions of every type !

    And tats y everybody find themselves in this trap of questions.

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  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Sri Ramana Maharshi used "Who am I?" as a focus for his students. Related: "The Path of the Higher Self," "Light Is a Living Spirit," "Return to the One: Plotinus's Guide to God-Realization," "Autobiography of a Yogi," "The Great Divorce."

  • small
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    "Why" is not a wrong question.... it is a question that can take you to the depth of truth and reality, but one must have sufficient patience and perseverance to be able to get the deep-rooted answers to the "why" questions..... sometimes the truth may be like a bottomless pit so that you keep diving deeper and deeper without results, but even in those cases, sufficient reiterations give us a reasonable attitude to those unanswerable "why" questions.

  • Correct wording is essential and political as well. It is rather, the words you might use and the order in which they are used in your post. If there is room for error...goodbye post and five...

    There are also so many here that just love to push the buttons of others for the mere sport of it. If you are going to be the center of attention for your fifteen minutes of frame, you better have a prompter these days... :D

  • 6 years ago

    There is something in the myth of The Quest for The Holy Grail at Glastonbury,which comes to mind...


  • 6 years ago


  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    "Who's on first. What's on second. I Don't Know's on third."

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