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best time to visit Thailand?

8 Answers

  • 6 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Depends on your objective:

    Live cheap? Go in the low season (April-September or so). It's hot... and, summer in Europe, so most of the European tourists, aren't there. Hotels are empty, and desperate. So, book only one night online in an area you like- then go for a stroll, walk into a few hotels you like in an area you like, and ask them what kind of deal they'll give you for the duration of your stay. At least this way you'll see ahead of time what you're getting, and especially in low season (but this works all year round) get a far better rate than you'd get online.

    If you're interested in partying... like many who go there, the party never stops (so to speak... although, know your limits). Anytime you go will be great.

    If you want nice weather (not at hot... more sun), go in the high season (Oct/Nov/Dec/Jan/Feb).

    I've lived all over Thailand... and it's really very diverse, despite what a few jaded backpackers or horndogs may tell you.

    North: Chiang Mai... peaceful, quiet, traditional town- a lot of Japanese retire there- so this tells you plenty about how safe it generally is. They're big on organic food there, and healthy living.

    South... Pattaya... meh... stay away. Everything you've read about it is true- only once you get there, it's a lot worse.

    Bangkok... can be fun, but- a busy, busy, buuusy city. Colors, lights, flavors, scents (not always pleasant) are abound.

    Ultimately... if you want tranquility... and something exotic... go to Koh Samui, a gorgeous island- with luxury villas all over (we rented a world class brand new Miami style villa on a mountain overlooking the ocean and airport that would rival anything you've seen in CSI Miami or Nip Tuck) for only $1500 a month (considering the luxury it was nothing). Anyway... enjoy your trip... be respectful to the locals, know your limits- respect their laws and customs... and you'll have an awesome time.

    Learn a few Thai words too- it'll go a long way. :)

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    One of many hottest beach-resort locations in Thailand is Pattaya and you've the opportunity to discover this place with hotelbye . The Pattaya section of Thailand's eastern seaboard is host to a beguiling selection of attractions. The product range contains such a thing from ancient Thai traditions to modern adventures. You'll find the straightforward treats of the nation's many dynamic party street or be humbled by unique religious treasures. In Pattaya you'll explore: character, art, technology and tradition with techniques you would never have imagined. Take pleasure in the fresh elegance of the rainforest canopy or the glitz and allure of the cabaret stage since here you could have it all.

  • 6 years ago

    According to me, Summers is the best season to visit Thailand.

  • 6 years ago


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  • 6 years ago

    Best Dec and Jan.

  • 6 years ago

    Oct- Jan

  • 6 years ago

    I prefer Dec to Jan when the north wind is blowing, it is cooling, the rest of the time it is too hot

  • 6 years ago

    at winter season

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