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Lily R
Lv 6
Lily R asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 5 years ago

Do you think patriotism and conservative values instantly equate to racism and an inbuilt prejudice?

I'm just curious of peoples opinions on the matter because, well I'm British myself and I am quite patriotic about that fact and I hold my nationality to have great meaning for me. Granted this island has been the perpetrator of many atrocities which I am ashamed off, but at the same time great good has come from this island too.

Regardless I'm proud to be British and I'm proud of my nationality. I'm also quite Conservative in my beliefs and my world view.

Anyway, I was talking to a friend and they brought up the topic of immigration, my friend is actually American and quite liberal and they just made the instant assumption that because of my mindset of being quite patriotic and right wing I would instantly be opposed to immigration and I would be scared that Muslims might change the national religion of my country.

In reality though I'm quite open to immigrants, due to the present economy in Britain, etc I feel there should be a temporary closure of the borders until the British economy is back to a level where the people already here are able to get employment before letting others in. But overall, I have nothing against people wanting to immigrate and I have even less against asylum seekers especially considering quite a few problems in the world are the fault of Britain's. Anti-gay laws in the Uganda for example.

Do you think patriotism and conservative values instantly equate to racism and an inbuilt prejudice?


Just to elaborate on anti-gay laws in Uganda. I doubt before European colonisation Uganda was a Christian nation and was an import brought there by Europeans. I know it was common for missionaries to go to Africa to educate on the true religion of the world. A a Christian based British colonial law at the time was the sodomy law that outlawed homosexuality, still enforced in several former British colonies including Jamaica and I think it is a reasonable assumption that Uganda would have...

Update 2:

...a less opposing view to homosexuality if it wasn't for British/European colonisation.

Update 3:

Hence Britain is at fault for the people who are LGBT presently being persecuted there and it is only fair Britain should take the burden of its actions.

Update 4:

Just to point out when I said "the true religion of the world", I was using it sarcastically. Already had one answering accusing me of being racist.

2 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, but most Americans (you were talking to an American) who are conservative ARE anti-immigrant, and bigots in general, so your friend was playing the averages, as it were.

    England and the US DO bear a LOT of responsibility for the instability and conflict in the world, due to past actions and policies.

    Actually, Africa's problems have more to do with the north having plundered, destabalized, and drawn maps to keep it unstable and poor.

    More recently, the American religious nut-jobs, having lost the argument against lgbt people here, have more to do with the extremist laws in Uganda and elsewhere. They engaged in a propaganda campaign pushing for extremist laws there.

    The fact of Christianity itself has less of a role.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    There is allot of negative sentiment against Indians(asia) in the UK, we are branded "pakis" and falsely associated with muslims and islam due to the colour of our skin, sikhs are physically attacked and even killed because they wear turbans and are accused of being "terrorists" even though sikhs are not muslim.

    Then the whites in UK also accuse Indian immigrants of "stealing" their jobs and that they must "go back to where you came from" also you whites keep whining and being racist when theres a story in the news about Indias space program since you claim India's space program gets it's funds from uk "aid money". British people along with americans have this misguided belief that the whole world depends on your countries and that the whole world lives off of "aid money" from usa and uk and that everyone outside of the uk/u.s are all poor 3rd world savages.

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