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Jehovah’s Witnesses: How do you know which parts of the Bible, if any, are God’s word?

I ask my question because in their latest revision to their NWT, the WBTS Governing Body removed the latter half of the 16th chapter of Mark, which I find confusing. Does that mean it was never God’s word, but for some reason God didn’t tell the GB, and he just let people mistakenly think it was his word? Was it at one time God’s word, but God sort of changed his mind and made it no longer his word?

With that in mind, how does a JW intelligently discuss scripture since they don’t even know if that scripture will be in the Bible next month?

If the JW GB was wrong for decades about part of Mark actually not being part of God’s word, how do we know they are not wrong about other parts of the Bible that are in there, but shouldn’t be? In fact, could it be possible that the whole Bible is not God’s word, but God just hasn’t told the GB yet?


JWs, only three answers so far, and none from a JW. It's these type of unanswered questions that make people hesitant about converting to your religion.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    they forget that the bible was chosen by the Holy Spirit and as they do not believe Jesus to be God they can muck around with scripture to suit their own agenda

  • BJ
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    According to reliable early manuscripts, the Gospel of Mark ends with the words found in vs. 8.


    Some late manuscripts and versions contain a short conclusion after Mark 16:8, as follows:

    But all the things that had been commanded they related briefly to those around Peter. Further, after these things, Jesus himself sent out through them from the east to the west the holy and incorruptible proclamation of everlasting salvation.

    In commenting on the long and short conclusions of the Gospel of Mark, Bible translator Edgar J. Goodspeed noted: “The Short Conclusion connects much better with Mark 16:8 than does the Long, but neither can be considered an original part of the Gospel of Mark.” The Goodspeed Parallel New Testament

  • 4 years ago

    the same question can be validly and should be asked to protestants of any form they rely on sola scriptora but nowhere in scripture does it say what scripture should be scripture and even if it did what would the reasons for believing it to be inspired be "because the book says so" that is an invalid answer and a dumb argument that is circular the Catholic Church was the church Christ founded and formulated the inspired cannon of scripture 300-400 years after the life of Christ while it is true that the NWT is not a reliable version of scripture neither is KJV or NIV or NKJV or any 66 cannon texts since the words in Romans ADDED the word alone to spread the idea of sola fide which is no where to be found in the original Greek or Hebrew

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    When you eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, you will know all like God, and become gods yourself. Sounds to me like it was probably magic mushrooms, given the talking snake, possibly opium, or some other type of hallucinogen. Anyway, all the people who wrote the bible, and said they were talking for God, would have known this, either because they were tripping on mushrooms, making it all up, or hearing voices in their head. Which one do you prefer? I had some mushrooms once, therefore I know what they knew, I have seen the four headed flying beast in the sky, floating in a ring made of eyes that is God. And it is also me. Being God feels really good!

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  • Diane
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    NWT is aiming to be as best and trustworthy as possible. Hence, if we are aware - like many other translations, if you bothered to check - that scriptures are spurious, that is, added on - then they are left out and a note added to that effect. JWs strive for the truth of Gods word. Why did you not attack those religions who added the spurious verses?

    You must be aware that this is only the second NWT, so hardly a case of "next month" is it. You are showing your desperation and lack of honesty.

    If you want to keep lies in your Bible, like the dreadful horror of "these three are one", thats your choice - but JWs seek the truth.

    Do more research next time, eh.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I don't know anything about it my bible contains the same versus as the king James what nonsense are you talking?

  • 5 years ago

    hi there you left an answer to one of my questions saying about how cowardly i would be in front of god,i have been to busy since that day to answer you,but i will do so now

    first you say an m and ms factory wouldnt just appear on its own,it must have a creator,of course it must.but if i want to believe evolution happened thats my choice and you have no right to try and tell me im wrong

    now about me being cowardly in front of god,let me tell you how it would really go

    me arriving in heaven and meeting god,ok so you want to tell me why you have allowed so much suffering?

    god well you see i wanted to make sure you have free will and i cant interfere with that.

    me,ok so if a fella uses the free will to go and murder someone,wheres the justice for the victim?you gave this fella free will to kill someone,why didnt you stop him?

    god ummm well i didnt think about the victim

    me why didnt you think of the victim?

    god,god uummm i dont know, on reflection i might have been wrong to give everyone free will

    me,ok so thats one mark to me,so heres something else i want to know.jesus is supposed to be returning to earth right,so when is that going to be?

    god,i dont know i havent made my mind up yet

    me why havent you made your mind up there are millions of people who need your help

    god,i dont care if there are peop[le who need my help ill come when im good and ready and not before

    me, you dont seem like a very caring god to me

    god,your right im not a caring god,i guesss i need to change my ways

    me,yes you do need to change your ways

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    the bible in general isn't God's word.. 11 or more books from the NT were forged. about half the NT is forgery.

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