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Why can't the wall to keep undocumented Mexicans from entering the U.S.A. be an invisible, electronic fence?

Wouldn't it be a lot more feasible and affordable to set up giant tasers at the border that are triggered when people are attempting to cross the border? It wouldn't be foolproof, but any system would have some kind of flaws or weaknesses, right? I'm guessing a strong, well designed taser barrier stretching virtually the entire distance across the southwest would cost about a trillion dollars less than a 700 mile, 50 foot wall! Mr. Trump keeps telling us how smart he is, but I really wonder...

9 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    No. It's fairly easy for humans to get past a taser if they know it is there and can prepare properly. (For example, they could throw rocks at it from a safe distance until it breaks. If it's battery-powered, or they can figure out how to trigger it repeatedly, until the batteries run down. If it's powered by electricity from the power company, then they can cut the wires.)

    On the other hand, we are the only species that could get by it without flying or tunneling or swimming. Other species, some of which are endangered, would be killed by it. So it would be an environmental disaster, and would not stop any Mexican humans.

  • 5 years ago

    FOR THOSE WHO ARE MISUNDERSTANDING WHERE I'M COMING FROM.....I'll just address Mario, to keep things simple. I think it's your logic that is off. You are jumping to conclusions, and not accurate ones! I do NOT favor any kind of wall. I know Trump is a bozo and his "proposals" are racist fantasies. I voted for Obama 2x and glad I did. I'll be voting for the Dems in November again. My question was sincere though. I'm curious about the economics of erecting a 700 mile barrier....disregarding whether it's a good idea in the first place. My guess is, if there's anything about the border to worry about, it would probably be Islamic fundamentalist jihadist infiltrators slipping in from Mexico. I certainly don't think a wide open border is a good idea. There needs to be a reasonable level of protection. But Trump's idea is a "non-starter" and if any of his GOP opponents think it makes sense to jump on that bandwagon....they're nuts!

  • 5 years ago

    Use google maps and go over the border, especially between Texas and Mexico. The border there is a river, the Rio Grande, and it is not straight.

  • 5 years ago

    We don't need a fence at all.

    Tell the government to stop offering incentives for illegals to come to America such as anchor babies, illegal driver license, free health care, public education, free welfare, and food stamps, and start enforcing current immigration laws and the illegals will stop coming by themselves.

    Arizona has already proved this works, when they passed and started enforcing federal immigration laws,,,, the illegals left by the thousands.

    Until obama sued Arizona to stop enforcing immigration laws.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No, it wouldn't be less expensive; the logistics of such a project would be even more expensive than Trump's wasteful wall. Plus a giant tazer would be more likely to kill you than just render you immobile.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


    that'd be good.

    a very modest barrier backed by good enforcement works extremely well in the extremely violent ME.

    Israel's very firm tactics of border enforcement are widely known.

    Attachment image
  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Cause we live in a world of logic and not some science fiction star wars universe but than again you are a republican so using logic is not your best quality.

  • 5 years ago

    Yes lets electrocute all the immigrants good thinking

  • 5 years ago

    I say we just use mines

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