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Why are children born to unfit parents?

Its just something I don't theory the reason u aren't allowed birth control is because god knows best who should have how many children and has a plan for everyone...why then are children born to unfit parents?my parents were both neglective and my father was abusive none of them was fit to be a parent yet we are taught that children are born whherr they are meant to be not ranting I'm seriously wondering why god gives children to ppl that will **** up their childhoods and maybe their lives???like I'm trying to trust he has a system but I find it hard sometimes...and no I don't want any atheists telling me god doesnt exist

6 Answers

  • mark h
    Lv 7
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I did not have an ideal childhood, my dad left when I was young and I grew up in a trailer park, scrimping and saving for every little I got.

    And I am sure that brief description sounds ideal compared to other children's suffering.

    But since I cannot abide by the idea of someone talking my mother into an abortion so that I would have never suffered any abuse or poverty, I cannot bear to deny anyone else a life less than ideal.

    It is true I have suffered, but it is also true that I have found great joy. And while some of the suffering might well indeed be placed at the feet of the circumstances of my birth, the joy I have found far outweighs it.

    And perhaps that is all the difference, perhaps the joy is peculiar to me and so that many objective observers cannot possibly understand it and thus we sit on different sides of the fence in our view of life.

    Hope that helps.

  • 5 years ago

    The decisions of the parents it takes two to make a child God only provides the spirit (life) what the person does with that life is on them. People don't want to believe this but God permits bad things to happen ever since mankind first disobeyed God like a parent that let's their child out into the world and from their decisions they make they also have to deal with the consequences of those decisions in turn the child learns to grow from and learn such experiences. A parent that bails out their child when they are in trouble is not a very good parent at all because the child never will learn from their mistakes.

    Many are unfit to be parents they spoil their children by bailing them out whenever they get into trouble in turn they prevent them from learning from their mistakes in life many of which end up in jail or prison and being disrespectful to authority figures and other people. Also children learn from their parents abuse causes permit psychological harm for the person to the child weather watching the abuse or being the victim of abuse. And abandonment and divorce within a family also causes them latter on with the person commitment issues in their own relationships.

    God never abandon mankind rather it's people that abandoned God.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    I also had bad parents but it allowed me to branch out of my old life style and embrace the new life I have in God - also God favours me because he knows I was treated unfairly as a child because God gives grace to both the afflicted and the humble and grace is necessary to improve and perpetuate character.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    unfit parents belong in hell to teach them a lesson

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  • Ruth
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Why don't Americans insist Child Welfare Officials do their jobs. They are worthless!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Because liberals.

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