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Why are religious people so dumb?

They believe in fairy tales, and believe in the brain washing done by churches. Like how can you believe those fairy tales are true?? They must do some group drug activity at church to leave them this braindead.

9 Answers

  • Cris
    Lv 6
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You use the word "brainwashing" but clearly you don't know what it means.

    They believe BECAUSE of the brainwashing / indoctrination.

    brainwashing / indoctrination act as FILTERS for reality.

    A colorblind person may go their entire lives not realizing their "blue" is not the same as the majority's.

    They are not "dumb" for seeing a different blue, that's simply what their senses present them with.

    Have you ever seen the movie The Matrix? It's like that.

    Imagine that all you've ever known is the inside of the Matrix, Which for religious people is represented by their religious indoctrination (brainwashing). Assuming 90% of the planet is "dumb" because they believe what they've been programmed to believe from birth is being pretty braindead on your part.

    You really don't believe the majority of the planet is "dumb" do you?

    Intelligence has nothing to do with it, though those of higher intelligence / higher education have the tools to eventually break through the Matrix of interlocking belief filters to see outside of the belief system.

    I was raised inside one of the major religions, and it was real to me, and even when I had doubts, religions have built-in fail safes that turn you back to the inside. It took me YEARS to deprogram myself enough to see through my indoctrination to the outside objective reality.

    You should try learning to see through your own filters and subjective experiences because your question shows you have a lot to learn about how religion, philosophy, the human mind function.

    Source(s): ex-religious believer / secular humanist
  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Why are you so dumb to post a pointless 'question' like this? You won't persuade anyone you're right by insulting them, so you accomplish absolutely nothing. All you're doing is jacking yourself off. Feel better now?



    Source(s): atheist
  • 5 years ago

    people are so far from their religions and muslims are confident to spread religion many things church will never tell you but muslim people will show have you seen the statue and idol at church but they stupid dont know that in christanity and bible prohibted idol worship image worship making god image

    here is prove


    Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the Lord your God.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Religious people are NOT DUMB! Maybe if you ever went to a Church service you will see what we really do!

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  • anon
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Why are religiously atheists so dumb?

    They believe in fairy tales, and believe in the brain washing done by public schools. Like how can they believe those fairy tales are true??

    the big bang

    spontaneous life


    In the beginning nothing exploded from no cause

    This made meaningless particles,

    and the particles accidentally became complex stuff

    which then by random chance they became living stuff

    The living stuff became aware & conceived there was no God and therefore no meaning to existence.

    and that living stuff decided it was important to teach this to the other living stuff

  • 5 years ago

    Science requires intelligence, knowledge, and not a little math to understand.

    For the dummies, there is religion.

  • 5 years ago

    You believe in fairy tales too. There is no evidence for the Big Bang HYPOTHESIS for one and two there is no OBSERVABLE evidence for evolution which contradicts science's scientific theory where observable evidence is necessary :)

  • Ruth
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Thank you, master insulter jerk!

  • 5 years ago


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