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Lv 7
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 5 years ago

I want my ENGLAND back? Dont you?

England where we judge people by how they behave and not what the colour of their skin is? it's a meritocracy, where people of talent and hard work succeed and not because they're white; a place where education was FREE, including university where we invested in our youth. Where we had technical colleges, where non academic subjects where taught, so we had a skilled workforce. i want an England where social housing exist and reasonable rent; I want an England where the average house costs only 3.5 times the average salary and not 10 times! I want an England where a couple can live on a single salary; I want an ENGLAND where caring about thsoe less able was ahallmark of a civilised society


12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had a dream... where every little Welsh boy,and every little Welsh girl could afford a house of their own,instead of inflated prices due to english holiday makers.

    I have a dream....where the Welsh team play like dragons,and not lame donkeys against Russia,and takes us to the promised land.

    I have a dream...where the 'B@stards' collapse against Slovakia.

    I have a dream............. :)

  • 5 years ago

    Not really. The 1950's were the epitome of excruciating boredom, the 60's were fine if you lived in London, the 70's were naff, the 80's were horrendous and.... It has actually got better from then.

  • 5 years ago

    Dream on Ceph. Regardless of what the referendum result will be you will never get your England back as you put it. I'm not trying to wind you up this time when I say, that is gone forever. I may be an outsider but I lived in England when it was a good place, I can't say the same thing now. I'm talking about the towns and cities not the smaller places in the countryside. I am now on the outside looking in and I don't like what I see. For people like me who have been away for years and then return for a visit the change is far more radical to notice than for people who have not left and the changes creep up on them slowly. I have been all over England except Cornwall, made friends that I am in touch with to this day and believe it or not it pains me to see what has happened.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I was raised as British and to me the English flag was only seen on May day and at village fetes so I associated it with holidays and being at the beach with sandcastle flags. I prefer Britain and if all the parts break up then I'll opt to be Welsh.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i do want england back.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    It goes much deeper,Cepa than the "colour of ones skin" The year I lived in Gibraltar laid out every day on the sunbeds on the top of the apartments,I was black at the end of it,but at the end of the day,when I returned to the UK and it faded I was still an Anglo-Saxon. Race is to do with people living in far parts of the world with different ideas and different standards to the native people of our dear Island.

    I go farther afield than the asker.Although I was born in England and still live there I see myself as British. Anyway one famous user tells us England doesnt exist !

    As far as race goes I would have thought things were more racist in earlier periods ?

    I dont think we can have anything back,one cant compare one age with another. At 71 I can remember back to the early 50s and cant see in essense things things have changed much ?

  • GibBas
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    I agree whole heartedly but I'm afraid that has little chance and absolutely no chance if we stay in the EU. You're talking about life in the 60's and 70's where there was a brave new world emerging but it's been gradually taken back to before those days I have always stated that university should be free to anyone who has the right qualifications to enter - A levels I know of but for all I know they don't exist anymore. It seems kids are just sent to colleges and universities just to keep them off of the dole. I have seen some of the exams children sit these days as well and to say they've been dumbed down is an understatement. Look at the quiz shows on tv; some of them on there are completely clueless about most things but ask them who's married to who and the like and they all know.

    Maybe that's what the grand scheme of things "is" though; to have a nation of mindless morons.

    I know not everyone's like this but I'd say more than 50% are.

  • 5 years ago

    Jeez when I read your question I expected to see the BNP piece " I Want My England Back" . What you are saying leaves room for thought, but I agree about the grammar schools, terrible waste of talent when they were abolished.

  • 5 years ago

    I would say what you say sounds very reasonable to me. I would only add bring back the Grammar Schools (spitefully abolished by middle class socialists) so that bright working class kids truly can get the education they need to ensure the return of social mobility in this country.

  • 5 years ago

    Vote to leave the eu! Nationalism ftw my friend

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