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Fuzzybutt asked in HealthOptical · 5 years ago

Are Verilux eye glass lens really that much better that the average?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    it hurts when people dont answer your questions seriously doesnt it?

  • 5 years ago

    That was " Varilux" , which was the brand name of the first progressive lenses on the market way back in 1965

    Then Varilux 2 was a big improvement over the original for for many years and many other brands came out also and many were better than the Varilux 2

    Neither has existed for several years now.

    The invention of Progressive Free Form lenses used now are light years ahead in technology compared to the old Varilux lenses.

    Brand names mean very little now in Progressive lenses.

  • 5 years ago

    go to an optician and have them explain teh features of each type of lens

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