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What do you think about California AB1146, a bill which would stop Christian colleges from requiring chapel attendance by students?

The blll would also make it against California law for Christian colleges to require bible courses for graduation and make faith based teaching in the classroom illegal. It has passed the assembly.

Students are not forced to attend a Christian college, it is a choice.


Sorry - should have said SB1146. And the bill has been revised after going through the Senate appropriations, education and judicial committees.

13 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    Since the college is a private institution, it should have the right to make such requirements. If a person does not want to take those classes or attend those chapels, they simply do not attend that college. Hopefully that bill will not make it through the legislature. If it does, it will most likely not stand up to a court test.

    The fact that this is religion based is actually important. A school should have the right to set its own degree requirements. But because it is a religion based issue, there would also be first amendment right issues involved. (Assuming that the school is not tax payer supported.)

  • 5 years ago

    But some students attend Christian colleges who are NOT Christian because of certain classes offered or professors who teach, etc. No one should be FORCED to go to chapel (even some Christians don't attend services regularly) or study the bible in a class setting. Faith based teaching should be done at HOME or on student's own time, not in classrooms. Students have to know REAL science, not just pseudoscience if they expect to be able to compete in the real world.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    If one chooses to attend a Christian college, which is a private institution, then they are choosing to follow the rules of that college. The California government is stepping way passed its limits. The college should sue if such an unconstitutional bill passes.

  • Huh?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    First, try to get your facts straight, AB1146 is a bill about skateboard parks. The bill you are referring to is SB 1146 and it does not stop Christian Colleges from doing anything if they choose, but if they get state money they can't discriminate. So if the college wants to forgo government money they can also forgo any antidiscrimination restrictions.

    Their choice is simple, if you want money from the government you have to live by the strings that come with the money. If you can't accept the terms don't take the money.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    If the so-called Christian college is accepting public funds, or participating in degree programs they are required to follow the law. If they don't wish to follow anti-discrimination or freedom of religion laws and regulations then they are free to become privately funded institutions and sell bogus degrees that no one wants to waste their money on. Can't have it both ways. The Constitution specifically forbids special privileges, positions or powers for religious organizations.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    Of course I disagree with it. Christian colleges are private institutions and should be free to impose any rules they wish upon those who choose to attend, as long as it doesn't harm the students.

    Christian colleges should not be allowed to accept public funding.

    Government needs to stay OUT of private business. But they've done it repeatedly and unfortunately the citizens can't stop it any more without revolution.

    Source(s): Agnostic Independent who attended a Christian college before coming to my senses
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Progress at last.

    School of all kinds are for learning of reality. Play pretend after serious tasks have been completed. Pretend has NO place in any classroom.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    Christian college does not mean private college. If they accept public money then they have to obey the rules of the public school system.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    I'd have to learn more about it to see if what you claim about it is true...

    But IF what you claim about it is true, then it will not survive a legal challenge (because it violates the Constitutional principle of religious freedom).

  • 5 years ago

    the government should stay out of Christian colleges

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