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Natasha asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 5 years ago

Is Obama really the worst president in US history?

I know it's hard to compare over history since they faced different challenges and issues but is he even close to the worst?

215 Answers

  • No Obama Is Not The Worst President In US History. George W Bush Jr Is The Worst President In Us History

  • 5 years ago

    Well old people having to take jobs at McDonald's and as Internet Trolls says something. I think this country has turned the wrong corner with Bush and Obama just kept on driving down that route.

    Also, I doubt historians are going to look fondly at his apology tours around the world and at the way he has handled terrorism. Obama is more like the modern day James Buchanan.

    Bush will possibly go down as one of the worst with a 1/10 ranking if not a 2/10. But I expect Obama to be ranked toward the lower part of the middle 4/10. Obama's presidency didn't accomplish much that can't be disputed with massive debt, growing violence, and less good paying jobs.

    The media loves Obama though but someday they'll be replaced or they'll die out.

  • 5 years ago

    I really think a President needs to be out of office at least 10 years before you can get any real perspective. Up until then, those who disliked that president will see all bad in that presidency and the who really liked that president will say that they were one of the best. Even then you can have events which arose during a certain Presidency which were either addressed well or not. For example, I heard well into the 1980s that Herbert Hoover (and his friends, the Wall Street bankers) caused the Great Depression. Now, I believe we can see that was a simplistic evaluation, but we might also say he might have done more to help mitigate its effects. That is part of the reason he lost the next election to Franklin Roosevelt.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    He sucks, but there have been much worse Presidents. The country literally fell apart under Buchanan. The Great Depression started under Hoover. W turned peace and prosperity into a dumpster fire.

    Obama presided over declining middle class incomes, a shrinking labor force, threw millions of people off their health insurance, and somehow managed to make the Middle East even worse. But at the end of the day, he just made some of the problems he inherited slightly worse. Long way from worst ever.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Many people hate Obama simply because he is black.

    All you have to do is look at his accomplishments and let common sense be your guide. Under Obama, the unemployment rate has gone from 10% to 5%. The DJIA has gone from 7,000 to 17,000 (an all-time high), and has remained there for the past couple of years. The Obama Administration neutralized Osama bin Laden within its first two years, something that Bush couldn't do in 8 years. Obama has also eliminated over 30 top terrorist leaders. Millions of people who didn't have health insurance before now have it. And that's just the stuff that makes the news. Google "Obama's accomplishments", and you'll find a VERY long list. This man has been BUSY while in office.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I'd say GW is the worst but I am only personally familiar with Jimmy Carter and beyond so there may be some past president that was worse than GW that I don't know about.

    From best to worst I would list it as:

    Reagan, Clinton, GH Bush, Obama, Carter and finally GW Bush (seriously, how did that guy win two elections?).

    I'm an independent, I vote for whoever I think is best, not for whose Democrat and whose Republican.

  • Geri42
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Yes, Obama is absolutely, unequivocally the worst President in the history of the United States. He has also done more to set the Black community back than any other single thing. Everything he's touched has self-destructed.

  • 5 years ago

    Not by a long shot. Unlike Bush, Obama did not lie to Congress about war. Unlike all Rs Obama refused to cut taxes for the top 10%, Obama inherited a country in bankruptcy by R-leadership. In less than 6mos he had turned the economy into positive again. The TRILLIONs of debt was created by Bush II. Clinton left the country with a solid surplus. And so will Hillary. Under R-rule the US' inequality exceeds that of France when they experienced the great Revolution. Obama accomplished more in his first 2 yrs than Bush did in 8. And considering that he had a Congress controlled by Rs, he managed to keep US at peace w/o any new wars, the DOW is higher than it has been in a decade and, unemployment is lower than it has been in 2 decades. He presented the Jobs Act during his first year, Rs shot it down. He succeeded in bringing healthcare to 10M people who had none. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He is smart and cool under pressure. Can't say that about Bush and certainly not Trump. Historically, Obama will not be remembered in the lower 10%

  • 5 years ago

    not quite but close, he probably has done the least as a president yet let the debt rate rise exponentially, has pandered to too much PC, has done little about ISIS in the US, plays twinkletoes to the people we're at war with, and was supportive of getting rid of all oil, even though he knew that can't work yet, did not support the sand oil

    however i can't say if that's worse than Buchanannan, who let 7 states get away from the Union, though he was in a bad spot like Obama was in a few cases. So tbh it's hard to say.

  • 5 years ago

    Jimmy Carter is saying "Thank goodness for Obama" now I am will not down in history as the worst President in history, maybe the 2nd worst but not the worst

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