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Does anyone believe that Pope Francis has lost it with saying that the Koran and the Holy Bible are the same?

15 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No prophet can be greater than the Son of God. Anyone who accepts Mohammad as the greatest prophet must reject Christ as the Son of God and cease to be a Christian.

    It would be interesting to see what Catholics would do if the pope converted to Islam. Would they convert too or would they become Protestants?

  • Art
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Yahweh, Allah same difference from all historical research. The Koran is a later Arabized version of the Bible.

    And then they both are corrupted versions of earlier versions. Don't think the Pope has lost anything just think he's being realistic.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Muslims, Christians, and Jews pray to the same God, the God of Abraham who is called "Allah" in Arabic and is the same God worshiped by Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. The Bible and the Qur'an both share many teachings, and all three religions place an immense emphasis on the importance of being an ethical person. The Qur'an differs from the Bible though in that it is more internally consistent, easier to understand, and maintains a completely different literary structure. It also differs in its target audience in that it is meant for everyone, rather than a specific group of people.

  • 5 years ago

    They are not exact, but very similar. The Torah (first 5 Books of the Old Testament) are shared by Christians, Muslims and the Jewish. The beginning is the same, the endings are different. Christianity, Islam and Judaism are known as the Abrahamic Religions. They share and worship the same God (the Father for Christians). Christianity is essentially the final form of Judaism, because the Jews are still waiting for their messiah to come to Earth. In Christianity Jesus, their messiah had come, and they are now awaiting the second coming of Christ to take his followers to heaven and proceed through the events in the Book of Revelations. It's quite interesting.

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  • Mintee
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    well they are similar in the respects that all moral codes from the 3 abrahamic faiths come from the same source, the same God

    we muslims pray to the God of Abraham, which is Moses, Jesus's and Mohammed God

    the bible however is a select collection of a few books that the counsel of Nicea chose,, its not complete by any means..'

    the QUran is a complete book of rules given by God to Mohammed through Angel Gabriel, word for word..

    it does contain the stories of all the prophets, Noahs ark, Moses trek across the red sea, Solomon, Adam and Eve, Mary's miraculous delivery of Jesus, etc etc.. so thats how they are similar

  • 5 years ago

    He did not say that, it is a fake story. Don't believe everything that you read on the internet.

  • janhoi
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    He said they are similar. Not the same. His statement was also that he doesn't like speaking about Islamic violence because he would also have to speak about Catholic violence. He was generally trying to say that it was wrong to single out Muslims over terrorism and that terrorism is not sanctioned by Islam.


    Source(s): Anglican Christian
  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 years ago

    They ARE the same..all holy books were written by superstitious people so are equally invalid..The pope's a smart man.

  • 5 years ago

    Yeah, kinda ... it's like imagining what sex is like in Heaven.

    Feel free to think that life in Heaven will be a duplication of how & what your life is like here.

    It probably doesn't bother God

    that you choose to draw in the dirt with a stick, instead of trying to envision `Heaven` and all that is Divine.

    There *is* love, life, and sex ... well beyond `all` things physical.

  • 5 years ago

    There really isn't a great deal of difference. Neither has stayed very true to the original tales, a source which they share.

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