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Why do people call me a "snake"? Do my actions below make me a snake even if I did them to protect my friends while benefitting myself?

Okay I'll admit that I am a master planner and I have a knack for taking advantage cause I look like a stereotypical good boy. I've broken up 3 couples because 1) I wanted the girl for myself 2) It was for the good of the girl (who happens to be a good friend of mine who I have feelings for)

1. I broke up my grade school crush and her bf of 3 yrs. It was fairly easy. She was easy to convince. I simply "recommended" to her that she break up with him and it happened instantly. I ended up going out with her for a while. However, I could also sense that they were both not happy anymore. I merely took advantage of the situation because I viewed the outcome as everyone being better off, myself included of course

2) I broke up my high school crush because her bf was a dick. Plain and simple. Even easier to manipulate than the first one. Although I took a different approach by using emotion as a tool to get them to break up.

3) I broke up my crush in 1st yr college with her boyfriend of 6 months for the same reason as number 2. He was a dick (in my point of view). This time I used logic to get what I wanted. I always talked to my crush and used reasoning to make her see what a jerk the guy was. True enough, they ended breaking up.

I have no qualms about playing dirty to get what I want as long as it doesn't violate my moral code. I can say I did the right thing because it wasn't working out for my crushes who also happen to be close friends of mine. Am I a snake because of this?


I'm catholic and I have a sense morality and a conscience. I wouldn't steal taxes if I was in the government. I wouldn't backstab a friend for power. I wouldn't kill for glory. I did what I did because they were not only my crushes, but they were friends of mine who weren't happy with their relationships but they couldn't see it yet. I'm a good natured person who doesn't look down on people and I treat everyone with respect

Update 2:

I'm catholic and I have a sense morality and a conscience. I wouldn't steal taxes if I was in the government. I wouldn't backstab a friend for power. I wouldn't kill for glory. I did what I did because they were not only my crushes, but they were friends of mine who weren't happy with their relationships but they couldn't see it yet. I'm a good natured person who doesn't look down on people and I treat everyone with respect

9 Answers

  • 5 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are a snake because you are essentially stealing. You are taking something that does not belong to you.

    The unwritten rule is never get involved in someone else's relationship. How would you feel if that happened to you where someone stole your girl. Truth be told , i'm surprised you didn't catch a beating. This is not the way of an honourable gentleman

  • 5 years ago

    What you've done appears to be selfish - destroying other peoples relationships for your benefit.

    Your opinion doesnt count when its someone elses relationship, it said guy is a "dick" then the female in question will eventually find out.

    Me thinks you need to start looking for single girls and stop meddling in other peoples relationships...

    But being so controlling and manipulative - i wouldnt reccomend you behave or treat your next girlfriend like that as that behaviour could eventually turn into mental abuse.

    Be very careful of how you treat people, as you may end up with nobody.

    sorry if i sound harsh, but you asked!

  • 5 years ago

    Here's my honest answer to this question yeah you are a dick for stealing other guys girls. But if the girls are stupid even to listen and follow what you told them then obviously those girls are too stupid. You should NEVER let another person convince you to leave you're spouse. You should only break up with them if you want to because you feel like they are not the right person for you.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    You're an a$$hole, plain and simple. If you actually had ANY feelings for them, you would recognize that you don't mess with that type of stuff. And if they were unhappy, like you say, then that is not your business. That's their own personal relationship and problem, not yours.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You are an a s s hole. Your are far worse than a snake. You don't f#ck with other people's relationships. I hope you die an agonising death you filthy little pig.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You're a dick. You're not a snake but you are a bad guy.

  • 5 years ago

    Are you ******* slow? Well Karmas a ***** and when you have the love of your life in front of you guess what some bigger guy than you with a mandingo dick will steal her from you and you won't be able to do **** about it lol #SorryNotSorry

  • Ash
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    I think you're a legend (in your own mind)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You're a dick head

    Source(s): Dumbass
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