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Lv 7
Ale asked in KesehatanLain - Kesehatan · 4 years ago

Apakah tinggi badan bisa berkurang atau menyusut?

Apa penyebabnya dan bagaimana mencegahnya

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    mungkin kalo lama ga makan kalsium ya badan bisa jadi pendek, karena

    tulang adalah persediaan kalsium

    sumber :

    'In humans, the total body content of calcium is

    present mostly in the form of bone mineral

    (roughly 99%). In this state, it is largely

    unavailable for exchange/bioavailability.

    The way to overcome this is through the process

    of bone resorption, in which calcium is

    liberated into the bloodstream through

    the action of bone osteoclasts.

    The remainder of calcium is present

    within the extracellular and intracellular fluids.'


    mungkin kalo makan cuka, badan bisa jadi pendek karena

    cuka menghancurkan kalsium

    sumber :

    1. 'Long-term heavy vinegar ingestion has

    one recorded case of possibly causing hypokalemia,

    hyperreninemia, and osteoporosis.[50]'


    2. 'Because pearls are made primarily of calcium carbonate,

    they can be dissolved in vinegar. Calcium carbonate is susceptible

    to even a weak acid solution because the crystals of calcium

    carbonate react with the acetic acid in the vinegar to form

    calcium acetate and carbon dioxide.'


    tapi kebanyakan kalsium dan kurang vitamin k bisa

    menyebabkan adanya kalsium di bagian2 tubuh yang

    ga boleh ada kalsium. contoh :

    calcification di artery, bone spur,

    spinal stenosis, lumbar spinal stenosis

    info 'calcification in artery'


    keuntungan badan pendek :

    1. badan pendek menurunkan resiko 'venous insufficiency'

    sumber :

    'tall' di bagian 'cause'


    matikan javascript sebelum loading, supaya tidak perlu klik 'expand' ber-kali2

    2. badan makin pendek, makin kebal kanker dan diabetes, makin susah menua.

    sumber :

    'In 2011, it was reported that people with this syndrome in the

    Ecuadorian villages are resistant to cancer and diabetes and are

    somewhat protected against aging.[6][12][13] This is consistent with

    findings in mice with a defective growth hormone receptor gene.[7]'


  • 4 years ago


    Jangan biarkan batu Empedumu dioprasi,pada akhirnya hilang" pada akhirnya, penyakit baru pun berdatangan"biaya oprasi mahal" coba ramuan aku cuma 75ribu minimmum beli 2bks untuk sebulan.

    MENGOBATI BATU EMPEDU" lewat ramuan tanaman berkhasiat"

    silahkanpesan segera sebelum bertambah parah,dan menyiksa hidupmu.SMS:0896-7677-2251.

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