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LongJohns asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 4 years ago

Is Teresa May doing a good job for Britain in her negotiations for the country to leave the EU?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    No but it's not entirely her fault. The Leave side never had a plan. It was all just a big gamble for Cameron who whistled his way home after resigning. She seems intelligent enough to realise the EU won't be rewarding the behaviour of her predecessor. So what is she to do? She must waste her time directing the government to come up with a plan that will likely be rejected by the EU.

    I'd like to add that I believe many of the Remainers are equally as misguided as Brexiters. Some of them seem to believe the UK will end up leaving but with a special agreement that May must pursue. "Europe a la carte" - but that's what the UK already had in the EU, and far more than any other EU members. So it is not going to happen. It would be suicide for the EU to allow it. Certainly I hope they don't allow it or other EU states will attempt to do the same, and that's the unraveling of modern peace and prosperity in Europe as we know it.

    If Suez marked the end of British dominance over the world Brexit is the end of British influence period.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    No, she's intentionally messing up, so the Tories can have a chance to win the next General-Election, eventhough this is all on the Tories.

    Basically the plan is, Cameron wanted to be Prime Minister again, so he promised a Referendum, Cameron was supposed to win it, but lost, so he left(wiping the slate).

    Now May needs to please Corporate interests, so she's selling out working-class Britain, in the most fundamental way, sabotaging every chance of an easy transition.

    By doing so the Tories will be able to 'get upset', choose a new leader, and pretend next elections, that they have someone to 'clean up'(trying to wipe the slate clean again).

    It's a smart tactic(because in these hysterical times it's bound to work), but a disgrace from a moral point of view.

  • Leaving the EU is the greatest disaster to hit Britain since the South Sea Bubble. If Theresa May was remotely interested in doing a good job for Britain, she'd address the concerns of the people who voted for Brexit, but remain in. Britain was bounced into a Brexit vote by a clever bit of Tory subterfuge. The Tories want us out of the EU so that they have unfettered power to enrich themselves at our expense. Now whatever unpopular measures they introduce they can claim it was the expressed will of the British people. We're now stuck with an unrepresentative right wing dictatorship who will do untold harm to the British economy and we can't do anything about it until 2020. We also have no effective opposition which is how these crooks got in on a third of the votes cast.

  • Kevin
    Lv 5
    4 years ago

    What negotiations would these be? They must be the meetings, where every EU head of state ignore her.

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  • 4 years ago

    Damn good job, she just squashed any kinda myth that we're staying in the single market, she's committed

    Seriously we don't need to worry about big companies leaving, just take their factory keys off them on the way out and wish them well, problem solved

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    She is at least resolute that Brexit will go through and that the UK wants to leave the single market. She will obtain the best trading deal she can but she will not accept free movement under any circumstances.

  • What negotiations would these be? They must be the meetings, where every EU head of state ignore her.

  • 4 years ago

    Poor sod has a poisoned chalice to deal with, a thankless task for a misplaced headmistress of a minor girls' public school.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    What negotiations? She hasn't done any negotiating yet, and she doesn't have the first clue what she's doing.

  • 4 years ago

    No negotiations seem to have started yet.

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