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What are the pros and cons of becoming religious if one is a believer?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Pros - Error 404 Pros Not Found.

    Cons - You have to live by certain rules which you probably won't be okay with, if you were a none-believer. Rules, and dogma and propaganda, depending on which religion, you'll follow.

  • 4 years ago

    God does not expect believers to be religious but He wants a close relationship with us,

    In many place, Jesus was against Religious people in His time. These people thought that they were super good and did not understand God, nor did they acknowledge that they are still sinners and are in desperate need of a savior.

    Religion brings pride in good works. Relationship helps in loving and glorifying God for everything.

    God did not die to save a particular set of religious people, but the whole world. Religion cannot save anyone. Religion teaches sacraments, customs, Self-Righteousness, pride in good works etc. Jesus taught that Religion cannot save and that our good works are like filthy rags before God. Relationship with God is built out of love, through Jesus and His Righteousness(not ours). Religion says that Baptism and other religious sacraments are essential for salvation. Relationship says that Christ ALONE(Not Self-Righteousness, Not Religion, Not Mary, Not saints, Not religious leaders etc.) is sufficient to Save.

    Finally, religious people are not really saved, but they think that they are saved. Your righteousness is never sufficient, only His Righteousness is capable of saving.

    Matthew 7:22- "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

  • 4 years ago

    "I'm spiritual, but not religious."

    "I'm a believer, but not religious."

    Both statements mean nearly the same thing, which is to say, very little. Being 'religious' means putting your faith, or your belief into practice, in some way or activity. It can be interior, such as through prayer, scriptural reading, contemplation, and conforming the will and mind more to God. It can be exterior, through practice of charitable actions and participation of worship service. Most people who call themselves religious do both. To merely be a "believer" is only a starting point; it's like a seed. Unless it's planted in the ground it doesn't become anything or produce any fruit.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Religion is a practice most associated with people that work through the week in order to release the woes of anxieties accumulated through the week. Go to praise and it can help to deal. It serves basically the same mechanism as Atheist theologians that declare in absolution their postulates are absolutely true in religious forums on the internet. Atheism is in effect and at its most basic form a religion.

    The cons of any religion is intolerance, bigotry and ill will on those that do not share the fundamentals of those beliefs.

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  • 4 years ago

    Pros, all the benefits of a lobotomy without permanent brain damage

    Cons, all the problems of brain damage without the damage to the brain

  • 4 years ago

    1. You don't have to think so much. Recitation is a practice in closed-mindedness. Pro or con?

    2. You get access to the mating rituals which include initiation, dressing like a prude, and thinking like a holy man. Pro or con? Does it beat the bar scene?

    3. You can oppress women and other races. I say con.

    4. You achieve the joy that comes from, such things as thinking you are going to heaven just because you accept Jesus, or visit Mecca, or pray, or tithe, etc.. Delusional happiness? Pro or con?

    I am too tired to go on.

  • 4 years ago

    becoming "religious" when you already believe is a form of masturbation. You go through these actions to make yourself feel good. but in reality you're just wasting time instead of helping people.

  • 4 years ago

    The pros are that in can give you a sense of meaning, purpose, hope, direction, and community in your life. The cons are that sometimes it can lead to religious extremism and bigotry towards those not in your religion. Oh and also the fact that it may not even be true.

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