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Lv 6

Is "outer darkness" something other than hell in Matthew 22:13?

In Mat 22 Jesus spoke a "parable". A parable is a story depicting everyday themes and characters with the purpose of communicating spiritual truths through the use of parallel elements.

So this man had accepted the invitation to the wedding and was admitted into the wedding feast, but then he was "cast into outer darkness" because he had failed to accept the clean white garment which is the righteousness of the saints.

Does it mean that accepting Christ delivers from hell, (redemption) must be accompanied by daily choosing to put on the righteousness of Christ (salvation) in order to remain in heaven after arriving?

And since accepting Christ delivers from hell, is the only remaining option upon rejecting Christ's righteousness to be cast into outer darkness far removed from the light of God's righteousness?

4 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    no, once you accept Jesus, you are redeemed and able to go to heaven for eternity.

    there is nothing you can do to lose it.

  • 4 years ago

    First, let's make a distinction between moral evil and bad consequences. Non-Christians like to quote Isa45:7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil, I the LORD do all these things" but the context clearly shows this is not "moral evil", which Satan creates: Commentaries:

    —J. Vernon McGee's Thru The Bible..."And create evil" -- the word evil does not mean wickedness in this instance, but rather "sorrow, difficulties, or tragedies" -- those things which are the fruit of evil, the fruit of sin. This is the Old Testament way of saying, "The wages of sin is death . . ." (Rom. 6:23). If you indulge in sin, there will be a payday for it!

    Adam Clarke's Commentary...Evil is here evidently put for war and its attendant miseries. I will procure peace for the Israelites, and destroy Babylon by war. I form light, and create darkness. Now, as darkness is only the privation of light, so the evil of war is the privation of peace.

    —Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary...

    create evil -- not moral evil (Jas 1:13), but in contrast to "peace" in the parallel clause, war, disaster (compare Ps 65:7 Am3:6)

  • Sean
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    Hell is essentially is a place outside of the sustaining light and presence of God. We see that in the end, it is Christ who sustains us and provides us with this "light". The "outer darkness" is a term referred to those cast out of his presence, which we see are those who are judged as to have rejected the Son. Those who will also face eternal torture in anguish where there will be a gnashing of teeth. So no, it's not different.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    It means he was kicked out into the night. Christ doesn't deliver anything from Hell because the concept of Hell doesn't appear in the Bible.

    When I was in high school, some friends and I used to go to wedding receptions of people we didn't know, no invitation. No problem to get in and we had all the free beer we wanted.

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