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Lv 4
Kimbo asked in PetsDogs · 4 years ago

How to get my cat to stop spaying my electronics!?

I love my furbaby but does anyone have any tricks that will stop him marking everything. (He seems to love spaying the front of the tv alot.)

I can't afford to keep replacing tvs, computers, phones and tablets. (All things that needed replacing.)

He's already cost me over a grand in replacing electronics every 6 months.

Yes he is desexed so I know that isn't it.

So any helped would be appreciated.

4 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    Try asking in the correct CATegory, this is dogs. Vets spay, after they've gotten their license, not cats.

    Spaying/neutering of a pet does not make up for lack training........

  • *****
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Have you had a vet check a urine sample to make sure there's not a medical issue that could be a factor? If all is well physically, there's a variety of things to try. There's specialized litter like Dr Elseys Cat Attract (there's a money back guarantee, so worth a shot), pheromone products like Feliway that often stop or reduce urine marking, CBD hemp supplements (like Canna-pet) that can help relieve anxiety and reduce marking, and a wide variety of environmental enrichment and lifestyle changes that often help, including increased play and added cat furniture to create high perches where he'll feel more secure.

  • Laura
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    It sounds like he was neutered later on in life, which means that his hormones that tell him to mark his territory are still there, so he sprays to mark his territory.

  • 4 years ago

    If "he" is 'desexed,' why do you keep saying he is spaying stuff? He cats aren't spayed, anyway. On the other hand, if you're talking about SPRAYING, say so.

    How to get a cat to stop peeing in and on your stuff.........? Yeah, get rid of him. Once they start, they don't stop.

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