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Is the phrase "lady like" sexist?

I go to an all girls school and one of my teachers is always saying "that's not 'lady like' behaviour" or "you need to be more 'lady like'". I personally feel like She shouldn't say LADY like because should men and women not behave the same anyway? Am I overreacting or are my feelings normal?

2 Answers

  • 4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lady like is not a sexist phrase..... if someone tells a woman to be lady like, it would be exactly like if someone tell a man to be a Gentleman. Lady is the female counterpart of gentleman.

  • sats
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    For the last time! Men and women are different, it is a FACT of nature. Your outrage shows your immaturity which is common among the snowflake crowd.

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