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  • YAMAHA keyboard keeps turning off after about a minute when I turn it on? Help?

    I got this key board for Christmas and it’s been fine until today. Accidentally, I hit it with my leg and it fell off the stand (not a high fall, about half a meter maybe), and now whenever I turn it on, it works for about a minute at first and then turns itself off. If I try turn it back on, it flicks on for about a second and it’s gone again. Please help anyone??

    1 AnswerOther - Music2 years ago
  • Is creative/descriptive writing a genre?

    For part of my English exam, we have to write an extract from our best piece of writing and identify its title and genre. However, I’m slightly confused by what to write for the genre. we were given examples such as if you’re piece is a character analysis of a fictional character from a novel, the genre is fiction, or if you write about a play it’s drama, but I’ve written kind of a short 1st person narrative story that was given to us months ago as homework as a descriptive writing essay. Would my genre in this case be descriptive writing? Or short story? Or creative writing? Or creative/descriptive writing?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years ago
  • Should I go on vacation with my friend and her family?

    I’m 16 and my friend has invited me on a holiday with her family. At first I was really excited but now I don’t know, I’m having bad feelings about it. Don’t get me wrong I am good friends with her and I don’t want to sound mean but she’s very over the top and I think that a full week of being with her might really annoy me and I’ll get really frustrated. But at the same time it could be really fun and something to look forward. And I know I really am sounding like a total ***** but I don’t really like her parents. Also it’s really expensive, they’re going all out. My parents are willing to pay for half of it and I do have the rest but it’s still a lot of money. I’m supposed to be going to her house tomorrow to pay the deposit, what should I do?

    6 AnswersFriends3 years ago
  • Does it make sense to write this: “the vehemence of the Capulets’ anger could not be controlled”?

    I’m writing an essay describing the first fight scene in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and I’m not sure if this makes sense or not. Can someone help me please? Thanks

    Homework Help3 years ago
  • Can anyone help me to understand what my English teacher means in this advice he wrote at the end of my essay?

    I wrote a creative writing short story about a woman at her daughters funeral and she is looking around trying to think of who she thinks her daughter’s killer was. But at the end there’s a twist and the murderer was the mother all along and was only thinking about everyone else’s motive to see who she could pin the blame on.

    My English teacher said it was really good with a good twist at the end but what I don’t understand about his advice was he also said “Could you use a prop of reflection/mirror to show that the narrator is the murderer/bully?”. We have to redraft our essays but I don’t understand this critique. Can anyone help? Thanks

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years ago
  • I need to cop myself on and be healthier but I’m struggling to eat healthily, any advice?

    I’m 15 and have always had an awful diet. Up until about last year I refused to eat any fruits or vegetables, mashed potatoes would be as far as I’d go. I’m slowly beginning to introduce them to my diet but I’m still really unhealthy. I’ll now eat peas, carrot, parsnip, butternut squash, nutss and oranges. Thing is I find now for the first time, I’m beginning to gain weight and it’s starting to show, only a little bit but I want to get it under control and lose a bit of weight, however I’m struggling. I don’t know how, when I don’t eat healthy. I never eat breakfast (I know how bad it is but even the thought of eating in the morning makes me feel sick, I don’t know why) but I usually have healthy(ish) dinners most of the time. But besides that my diet consists of candy and processed food. I’m also really unfit. I don’t get home from school until 6:30pm everyday becuase I get extra tuition as I’ve exams this year and don’t have time to exercise then. I don’t play any sports and I don’t have much of a social life so I barely leave the house on weekends. Any tips or tricks to help me lose weight?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness3 years ago
  • I’m 15 and NEVER had a guy show any interest in me?

    I know how petty and pathetic this sounds but it’s really getting to me lately. Every other person my age that I know has at least had one of the following: a girlfriend/boyfriend or a past relationship, a kiss, or people (even ONE person) or the opposite sex show an interest in them, even text them. I haven’t though, and I don’t know what’s wrong with me :( I know I’m not one of those really hot popular girls, but I don’t think I’m that Ugly. I wear make up and dress nice for me, to make myself feel good since no one else does but As much as I don’t want to I’m staring to get jealous of all my friends. I know people my age having regular sex or doing other things with guys, and I haven’t even had so much as a real kiss (I’ve kissed 2 guys at discos (strangers, which i regret) just because I didn’t want people thinking I’m fidgid.) Am I weird or will it get better?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Can any mental health professionals (or just anyone) tell me what's wrong?

    -for the past like 2 years I've been feeling really low in myself every now and then thinking I've no friends and no one to turn to

    -This feeling has gotten more frequent in the past 9 months maybe?

    -I feel like I can't go anywhere without a friend because people will judge me and call me a loner

    -I feel like my friends don't like me and get reeeallly upset when I'm not invited out/they can't do my plans even though I know they don't do it consciously

    -When I do get invited by a person in a group invites me out, I don't go even though I want to because I feel like no one else in the group likes me (even though in my head I know it's not true but I can't stop thinking it) (this senario happened today)

    -I feel like I can't do certain activities e.g. Cycling, or running or something because I'll be judged

    -Often get really low for no reason

    -Soften have really good days but then it all crashes down and I feel horrible for no reason all of a sudden

    -I feel like all the people I would call my 'closest friends' wouldn't say the same about me and it makes me feel horrible

    -cry and overreact at the tiniest things

    1 AnswerPsychology4 years ago
  • I have no friends and often get really upset about but have no one to talk to about it?

    Well, the people I would consider my 'closest friends' would not say the same about me and I rarely see them if I'm honest. I can't speak to them about it because I really don't want to make things awkward or make them feel obligated to invite me everywhere jut because I brought it up. Also I really just don't want them to feel bad. And I can't speak to my Ostend because I know that they would really pity me and that's not what I want. I can sense they pity me already because Indont go out much and it just makes me feel worse. All I want to do is speak about how I'm feeling to someone but I have nobody. I've been feeling this way the past year and it's just getting worse everyday. (And my school guidence councillor is actually just mean and I wouldn't feel comfortable enough twitch any teachers to talk to them, anyway school is out for summer). I really don't even know how to make new friends anymore, I just have no confidence

    4 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • All my friends have moved on but now I have no friends?

    School is out until September and I have no friends so I will just be stuck inside for the whole summer, what should I do?

    2 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • I'm almost 15 and I'm scared of dating?

    All of my friends are out there, I mean the either have boyfriends or had one before. I am attracted to boys but if a boy ever showed any interest in me (not that they have before) I know I would say no, even if I liked them. I've kissed one boy before but I don't even know them and it was so stupid. I'm also kind of insecure and if a boy ever did ask me out I would think they were only joking with me, and even if they weren't and I knew they weren't I'd still be too scared to say yes. I feel like such a freak for feeling this way, anyone else ever had this experience when they were my age?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Is the phrase "lady like" sexist?

    I go to an all girls school and one of my teachers is always saying "that's not 'lady like' behaviour" or "you need to be more 'lady like'". I personally feel like She shouldn't say LADY like because should men and women not behave the same anyway? Am I overreacting or are my feelings normal?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture4 years ago
  • How to get rid of food poisoning?

    I got Chinese food Saturday (5 days ago) and I got food poisoning. I got used to get really bad belly cramps but they have mostly gotten better in the past 2 days. I can't eat, i have no appetite to eat. In the besides today all I ate was 4 bowls of cereal and a slice of bread. Problem is when I eat I get diarrhoea. Today I felt a lot better but still not up to eating. I woke at 7:30am but by around 4:30pm I was really hungry, I thought that was a good sign. For the first time in 21 hours I ate. I had HALF a bowl of soup and a slice of bread. Then straight after I got diarrhoea again and pains in my stomach. How do I help my self get back to normal?

    3 AnswersOther - Health4 years ago