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I'm almost 15 and I'm scared of dating?

All of my friends are out there, I mean the either have boyfriends or had one before. I am attracted to boys but if a boy ever showed any interest in me (not that they have before) I know I would say no, even if I liked them. I've kissed one boy before but I don't even know them and it was so stupid. I'm also kind of insecure and if a boy ever did ask me out I would think they were only joking with me, and even if they weren't and I knew they weren't I'd still be too scared to say yes. I feel like such a freak for feeling this way, anyone else ever had this experience when they were my age?

2 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    Yes for a while the whole thought of being close to a boy who wasnt my friend was intimidating. Those hormones will kick in and you'll soon get over that fear.

  • 4 years ago

    stay scared

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