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Sara asked in Social SciencePsychology · 3 years ago

Can any mental health professionals (or just anyone) tell me what's wrong?

-for the past like 2 years I've been feeling really low in myself every now and then thinking I've no friends and no one to turn to

-This feeling has gotten more frequent in the past 9 months maybe?

-I feel like I can't go anywhere without a friend because people will judge me and call me a loner

-I feel like my friends don't like me and get reeeallly upset when I'm not invited out/they can't do my plans even though I know they don't do it consciously

-When I do get invited by a person in a group invites me out, I don't go even though I want to because I feel like no one else in the group likes me (even though in my head I know it's not true but I can't stop thinking it) (this senario happened today)

-I feel like I can't do certain activities e.g. Cycling, or running or something because I'll be judged

-Often get really low for no reason

-Soften have really good days but then it all crashes down and I feel horrible for no reason all of a sudden

-I feel like all the people I would call my 'closest friends' wouldn't say the same about me and it makes me feel horrible

-cry and overreact at the tiniest things

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Try calling and talking with a general counselor at 1-800-4888-HOPE, and reading some in the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series, "For Couples Only," "Golden Rules for Everyday Life," and "Understanding Yourself" by Mark Prophet.

    Imho, you're trying to go too much in a "group approval = success" direction, and feeling sad otherwise. Perhaps you could plan on regular nature walks in a safe place, and tell yourself it's an adventure, and that you're brave, and that you'll enjoy your adventure.

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