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Lv 4

Muslims, if Allah wants me to worship him then why doesn't he prove himself with more than just an ancient questionable book?


A list of things that Allah could do to prove himself, better than just giving us the Quran (or the "questionable Quran", as I like to call it):

- Spell in giant fiery writing in the sky: "I am Allah and Muhammad was correct" for all of us to see.

- Hijack all TV stations and say "This is Allah. To prove myself I shall cure all sick people tomorrow." and then the next day cure all sick people.

- Make a new complicated continent appear in the Pacific overnight that spells "Allah" from space.

Update 2:

- Make all Justin Bieber songs only play "Allah is real, I did this, follow me" in a loop.

- Send an angel before the Queen of England to demonstrate a miracle, tell her about Allah, and then do the same when live TV cameras are brought into the palace.

- Resurrect Freddie Mercury, John Lennon and David Bowie all with the knowledge of Islam so they confirm to us that Allah did it.

- Make everyone on Earth constantly dream the Quran at night.

- Make it rain Qurans for a week.

The list goes on.

Update 3:

If I've missed any other good possibilities from my list then please feel free to add.

Wouldn't any of these be more logical and pragmatic of all-powerful Allah to do than just sending us the "questionable Quran", if he wants us to follow him? What's the point of just giving us the highly questionable Quran and then sending people to hell for not buying it?

36 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The best our Muslims friends will come up with are vague predictions, or floods, earthquakes and hurricanes... that would obviously have occurred whether man inhabited the planet or not.

    I´m definitely up for the resurrection of Freddie Mercury, John Lennon and David Bowie...that would work for me =)

  • 4 years ago

    First read Quran, the books written by Jesus's friends and Moses and his rabbis, then you would understand the Almighty God. Now if you do not believe in God then nothing will convince you. People who do not Know, always question every thing. Do you know what happens to the pig fat(bacon) you eat inside your body? God created the miracle of the process it goes through in your body to provide you with energy and make you Obese. Now the knowledge is available to everyone on the internet so there is no excuse for ignorance like your question depicts.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Surely you are convinced by how happy and peaceful all Muslim countries are

  • 4 years ago

    "Make it rain Qurans for a week."

    My God (no pun intended), I would stay indoors FOR A WEEK if that happened, and I would have zero respect for him.

    Also, I don't follow religion, so maybe you can answer this for me: why don't Christians' God prove himself with more than just an ancient questionable book?

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    Well, what do you want?


    Nothing you mention would have the longevity of documented literature.

    Honestly, books are whee you get all your knowledge of the ancient past. You don't question those books. You choose to disbelieve one book and not another.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Obviously Allah is too shy to do all of this lol.

  • 4 years ago

    Honestly, even if Islam was true, Allah is evil. He humans knowing that majority of us would go to hell.

    Why would a God like Allah (the greatest of all. All-knowing and all-powerful and other qualities) create humans? There is no good reason, since there is no one that Allah will need to satisfy or prove anything to. If he wanted to prove anything to Satan(iblees), he could have chosen a way that doesnt involve most of us going to hell, just because most of us were ignorant, dumb or any other humanly thing.

    He is just playing doll house with us. Thats all.

  • 4 years ago

    Not a Muslim so don't care what you worship

  • 4 years ago

    you are created to be tested and choose ur path howerer angels created to just worship ... so u can choose whatever answer in your test and u will be judged accordingly ...

    u must do meditation in all things around u and even in ur self for example ( you can see , hear , sense , Taste , ...)

    Who created all of those things ....

    see the sun and moon and their movements see day and night and how accurate succession they have

    .. but god did not act as u mentioned above as wiring i am the god on the sky and all that u mentioned because god created u with mind u can use to know how to worship him

    my dear believe me do a favor to your self and don't just be against islam ... do a favor to ur self and be a muslim ... ( sorry for my weak English)

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    supposedly there is already enough proof

    what I don't understand is if god hates disbelief and loves belief why does he predestine the majority of people to disbelieve? Obviously he wants people to go to hell otherwise he'd predestine the majority of people to use their free will the way he wants but yet it annoys him :/...

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Because the Qur'an will last until the end of this world or qiyyamah for whole people as life guide

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