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Do you believe direct revelation from the Holy Spirit happens in modern times (now)? If so, why do we have the Bible?


Since we have the Bible, why do we need direct revelations?

Update 2:

There are many people & churches that say they are directly guided by the Spirit, yet they teach things that contradict others. Two things can't contradict and both be true at the same time. Since the Spirit can't lead someone into error, many who claim Spirit leadership are incorrect. There must be a way to verify the truth. Most people who claim Spirit leadership are mistaken.

Update 3:

For those who claim leadership from the Holy Spirit, ho do you know it is the Holy Spirit leading you. "Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:14) How do you know it is not Satan instead?

9 Answers

  • Rod
    Lv 6
    4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not all christians believe that God is giving his people new revelations through the Holy Spirit which are not written in the word of God.

    The pentecostal/ charismatic churches seem to be big on this idea that God continues to reveal new words, new revelations, new instructions etc, almost daily to them.

    In other words God is giving countless thousands of new words all the time for his people to hear.

    No one is denying the first century christians were given the spiritual gifts of tongues, healings and prophecies etc, but NOT all christians had those gifts (1Cor 12:27-31)

    These spiritual gifts were not to last forever in the church.

    (1Cor 13:8) ...but whether there be PROPHECIES, they shall fail; whether there be TONGUES, they shall cease; whether there be KNOWLEDGE, it shall vanish away.

    v:9 For we know in PART, and we prophesy in PART.

    v:10 But when that which is PERFECT is come, then that which is in PART shall be done away.

    Many christians who believe the spiritual gifts are still for the church today misread or ignore these scriptures.

    Paul who wrote this was in no way saying that this "Perfect" was Jesus Christ and that these spiritual gifts would stop at Christ's return at either the rapture or his second coming as some christians suggest.

    What is this PERFECT Paul was speaking of which would replace the PART (spiritual gifts) ?

    (2Tim 3:16) ALL SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for DOCTRINE.....

    v:17 That the man of God may be PERFECT.

    God's PERFECT and COMPLETE word is available for all christians to read and study in the word of God ! (2Tim 2:15 & Heb 4:12)

    Paul's later ministry to the body of Christ was "to FULFIL the word of God" (Col 1:25) to us christians.

    The spiritual gifts ceased 2000 years ago and sadly what we are seeing today is a COUNTERFEIT of them through many sincere but nevertheless ignorant christians.

    Some christians are playing with wildfire by allowing themselves to be open to new revelations given to them by an UN-holy spirit (1John 4:1-2)

    They are "tossed to and fro...with EVERY WIND of doctrine" which is whispered in their ears ! (Eph 4:14)

    The word of God is a christians ONLY defense needed against these spiritual attacks on God's people (Eph 6:11-17)

    Source(s): King James bible 1611
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Do you believe direct revelation from the Holy Spirit happens in modern times (now)? If so, why do we have the Bible?

    Hi ~

    Lets cut to the chase . . .

    John the baptist (and He was great) said I truly baptize in water unto repentance you guys, but ya know what . Don't follow me around anymore: That guy over there is the Messiah (He is Greater) . . . He baptizes with the Holy Ghost and with power; which personifies 'repentance'. . .(John's baptism was great ~ but the Baptism of Messiah is Greater.)

    Messiah said . . . you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life . . . and they are the very thing that points to me . . . But you guys don't get it . . . you just won't come to me will ya? . . . (I am greater than the scriptures) . . . (Yes, then, and even so today) . . . nothing wrong with the scriptures, but 'Messiah' is still greater! . . . Why?

    Because Messiah does something no one in the History of mankind has ever done; ever before and that continues to this very Day! . . . He baptizes in the Holy Spirit ! "He" (Ruach HaKodesh) is the WORD of God.

    And is the WORD that in the beginning was with God, and was God; and of everything that was created . . . nothing was created unless it was thru HIM . . .

    The guidance of the Bible is great . . . But the guidance of the Holy Spirit is GREATER!

    Set the Bible on the Pew in back; Next to the place where John the Baptist sat . . . Get up and follow that which is Greater: . . . Messiah gave us something Greater . . .

    There is a deception that could fool the very elect if possible . . . Those who are 'wise' will choose to follow that which is "Greater"

    ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

    Response to Updates:~ I would like to answer that question with a question (that's something I respect that many Jews like to do also)

    How do "Bible only" defenders know the Bible is leading them? If it were genuinely trustworthy then how did The Church in Jerusalem end up with so many many divisions ? (Followers of Jesus of Nazareth, (Nazarenes), Johannine Christians, Pauline Christians, Roman Catholic Christians, Reform Church, Greek Orthodox Christians, Protestants, Baptists, Mormons, Jehovaha's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists ~ and the list goes on hundreds probably Thousands deeper . . . How do they know "those divisions" are not 'conjured' up of Satan instead?

    There is a saying "Those who talk to God are blessed; that's Praying" . . .

    "Those who have God talk back to them? well, there' nuts . . . they are just plain crazy!"

    How did David know to take off the Armor of King Saul? . . . and to pick up the 'Rock' and sling it at Goliath . . . How did David know that wasn't communicated to him by the Devil?

    The answer to that which you desire is . . . If you search for that answer like one would search for hidden treasure; you will find it. When that answer becomes more important to you than / The fear of the pressure of society's responses . . . / Than the fear of religious mob mentality pointing fingers at you / and your own whimpy feasr from within your own 'mortal reasoning' that you could look foolish and feel silly because of it . . . "Then" and "There" is the Place you 'Will' know if it's from Satan or The Holy Ghost.

    You 'Will" know . . .

    P.S. That book you are all referring to as the 'Bible' was fabricated and assembled in 326 A.D. in Nicea under pressure of the Emperor of Rome (Constantine) . . . It wasn't even printed until the Guternbuerg Bible era, because there were no printing presses in existance. King James had it translated into the English Language and printed to be purchased publicly in the 1600's for the first time. Before then it was only in the hands of the Roman Church leaders . . . commoners didn't and couldn't touch it. What I'm trying to say is that isn't a sacred holy magical book that God Himself reached down thru the clouds and handed to anyone.

    Have a great day


    Source(s): Ruach hakodesh 101
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    I believe the holy spirit is fictional.

  • 4 years ago


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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    ALL direct revelations arrive through the Biblical definition of 'prayer,' which is the 'conversation' that occurs as we contemplate the sacred allegories of holy scripture, waiting upon GOD for prodigy as we attempt to superimpose these allegories upon the current dramas of our lives.

    The allegories are comprised of the universal human arts, like shepherding, sailing, pottery making, wine making, economics, martial defense, archery, hunting, farming, fishing, etc...There are hundreds of these, each of which invites a different 'total perspective,' and with this perspective, a sacred calling or role of the Church emerges.

    For example, the term 'pastor' actually comes from the total perspective of one's life through the eyes of the arts of shepherding. If I am the 'shepherd,' where are my 'sheep?' the 'wolves?' the 'pasture?' etc...It certainly helps to actually be practicing these arts while we contemplate, which all of the original Nevi'im, (the holy prophets), were required to do. Even if one does not, it is still possible to receive direct revelation from GOD through an accurate contemplation of these arts and attempts to uncover genius through the superimposition of their elaborate details upon the current circumstances of one's own life dramas.

    The Bible is the holy word of GOD, but it means little to anyone without 'faith,' (Greek: 'pistis'), which is the Biblical word for the direct natural genius described above. This genius is contained in what the Bible calls the 'analogia pistis' (Greek: 'allegories of faith' [sometimes poorly rendered 'proportion of faith']). This is actually the Biblical reference to the above mentioned allegories based on the impartial language which GOD has constructed around the universal human arts.

  • 4 years ago

    Revelation is absolutely available and essential throughout all ages. WIthout it, we cannot come to know God.

    The bible is of great value but it is not the complete handbook on Christianity and clearly does not provide the knowledge and covenants that the fulness of the gospel requires. Otherwise, there would be only one church. It is simply a compilation of ancient records.

    Throughout history, whenever there was insufficient faith (trust in God) to repent, keep God's commandments and follow a prophet, God did not provide one. Instead, the faithless followed men's interpretations of the words of dead prophets while rejecting the live ones that taught the truth. It takes courage and faith to accept truth.

    A good example are the pharisee's who Jesus likened to whited sephulchres filled with dead mens bones. The pharisee's were prideful old testament scholars who were hung up on the idea that they were the children of Abraham but wanted to kill Jesus.

    Source(s): LDS
  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    We believe the bible is the true word of God, 100%. This is all we have.

    Once the bible was complete, God stopped talking. Everything God had to say to us he said in the bible.

    So when someone tells you that they have a "new revelation" from God, we can know they are not telling us the truth. Whatever "new revelation" they have is not from God.


  • sarah
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    The bible gives us a book of instructions to read and God knows the heart of a person if he is willing to read it. Or does he just not care what God wants?

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Christianity is false brainwash cult of Babylon.

    There are 2 Messiahs Jesus, and James the Just, the teacher of righteousness in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

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