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Anna asked in Social SciencePsychology · 4 years ago

Is it weird that I think so deeply all the time?

I often find myself just amazed at how many things had to happen to shape our current state of affairs. I'll walk down a hallway at school at stare at the tiles on the walls and wonder where they were manufactured; then I'll just think how crazy it is that I, a woman, is living in an age where I can walk around in a safe building with books and notebooks full of words in a language largely developed across an ocean strapped to my back - and go to classes, classes taught with knowledge compiled over centuries of years. I'm wearing pants, a shirt, sweater, listening to music on a phone (incredible technology)- none of that was manufactured close to my house- how insane is it that I can have all of these things and its just normal? Other times I'll think how Earth is just some random rock in an infinite universe and it has life forms with a culture so convoluted and complex that they often people don't even think about it. Speaking of that, the way humans interact and treat each other is so crazy too. Like, why do we as a species have such a desire to make others suffer? Our history is so full of baseless hatred, and its all so pointless. I mean, the fact that Earth is even capable of supporting life is like so insane yet it's a struggle for humanity to not destroy itself with manmade weapons; in an infinite universe, our biggest and most immediate enemy is each other- wat. I could go on and on... (seriously I've barely scratched the surface) Anyway, do other people do this too?

14 Answers

  • 4 years ago

    The term "deep thinking" is meaningless. People think like hamster's chew. Patting yourself on the back for being "deep" is shallow.

    I am glad you appreciate your life. Perhaps go and help someone less fortunate?

  • 4 years ago

    Maybe to a bunch of mindless, conformist drones, but not this fellow.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Yes. You should not over think. That is all what is required.

  • 4 years ago

    Everywhere you look, there is a chain of events leading back to the beginning of time, the big bang. I'm fascinated by the chain of events leading to our choices. If our decisions don't have event chains leading up to them, that means that they just pop into existence because we will them. These event chains would begin in the middle of dominoes that are already falling, meaning our idea of free will is flawed.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Oh Anna, how I wish I could talk to you! We're soul mates. Have you ever heard that one definition of a genius is someone who can look at a blade of grass and be amazed? I'm betting you understand what I've just written. On the train into New York city I used to see these really large buildings made of brick and think that two hundred years ago some hand picked up and placed each of those bricks there. Yes, You're weird. So am I. Thank God there aren't too many of us. The world operates on the blood and bone of practical souls who do the work. Most men and women don't have the desire or the inclination to "waste" time thinking such pointless things. I could write pages, but it really doesn't matter. Your're cursed, Anna. You're blessed too. I'm afraid your life will be filled with wonder and intensity. I've experienced more in my life than most people would in two, and if I were to tell you all the places I've been, the people I've known, and the things I've done you wouldn't believe me; few people would. It doesn't matter. It's been wonderful and terrible; full of passion, pain, joy and sorrow. But most of all it's been wonderful (i.e. full of wonder). If I could give you one gift it would be courage. The world is not kind to people like you and it will try very hard to make you conform. Eccentricity scares people because they do not understand and they are never sure what you think or what you will do. So it seems you have taken the road less traveled by, as have I, and Frost was right; it has made all the difference.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    No. A lot of people think the way you do.

  • Naguru
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Yes. You should not over think. That is all what is required.

    Source(s): own
  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    You just have a natural sense of wonder and awe, and see the world from a broader view than our conditioned day-to-day perspective.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Your self-described feeling of "weirdness" perhaps reflects subliminal awareness of your associative thinking ( ) contrasting (i.e., as a "coefficient of adversity"--Gaston Bachelard's term, later picked up by Sartre) with your emotional "surround" (Jaspers)--which "surround" is what a majority of other people's mental-emotional personae present to you as "social friction"

    or "difference" ("Presentation of Self in Everyday Life," Goffman). Such "socially generated cognitive dissonance" is what lends credence to the "mad genius" or sensitive-complex-idiosyncratically insightful awareness of the gifted ( ).

    It is the case that meditation helps greatly to reduce emotional-mental stress, e.g.

    Related: "The Path of the Higher Self;" "The Star of Redemption," Rosenzweig; "Light Is a Living Spirit;" James Burke writes books in a style similar to your description: "Connections;" "The Day the Universe Changed;" James Joyce's "Ulysses" has somewhat similar stream-of-consciousness; and "Outliers," by Malcolm Gladwell.

    You might also learn the value of "manual labor" by learning to knit or crochet; these are imo better for one who is so associately mentative, rather than e.g free-form painting; a similar discipline would be learning to play classical pieces on the piano. Related: "The World outside Your Head" and "Shop Class as Soul Craftt," both by a professor of philosophy and motorcycle shop business owner, Matthew Crawford; "Superfreakonomics;" and you may have a vocation in international trade: "Wealth, Poverty, and Politics - An International Perspective" gives examples of how some groups, geographically placed between several other groups. become wealthy by developing cultural skills as go-betweens, traders (Jews, Lebanese, some tribes in Africa are some of his examples).

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    I see nothing wrong with noticing the world around and wondering about things. In fact, I find this fascinating, and think it is wonderful that you have such vivid imagination and observant mind. This is normal state of the mind whose powers have not been harnessed. It is like a wild horse that would everywhere and anywhere. Whereas, a well-trained mind is like a work horse that will take you from point A to point B most efficiently and quickly. Then there is the case of a horse that has been trained but is harnessed only to an empty cart, there is no load to pull no work to be done.

    Can you get things done? Do you start something and follow it up to its completion? Can you remain focused for longer periods of time? If you have problems remaining focused, or getting things done on time, then you are not using your wonderful mind properly, you are not in the driving seat, but a hapless passenger being carried around by your powerful mind.

    If you are an acute observer then you can become a creative person. You can develop a unique way of seeing things, a way that is very personal. All that you observe, wonder and think about casts impression on you, that you need take note of and express, through writing, painting etc.

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