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Lv 7

What's up with the Catholics?


You may have seen that there are at least two new petitions being circulated to allow Catholics to voice their support of Pope Francis and his ministry.

They are a response to the greatly publicized efforts of other Catholics who have signed letters and statements that criticize and question the pope for certain teachings they believe are unfaithful to the traditional doctrine of the Church.

I thought the Catholics never questioned the Pope.

7 Answers

  • 3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Bible considers all false beliefs as the mother of prostitutes (harlots) (Rev 17:4-5) And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stone and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations, even the unclean things of her fornication, 5 and upon her forehead a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF THE HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

    Vs 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I wondered with a great wonder.

    As was the custom in ancient Rome, this prostitute is identified by the name on her forehead. It is a long name: “Babylon the Great, the mother of the harlots and of the disgusting things of the earth.” That name is “a mystery,” something with hidden meaning. But in God’s due time, the mystery is to be explained. In fact, the angel gives John enough information to allow God’s true servants today to discern the full significance of this descriptive name. We recognize Babylon the Great as being all of false religion. She is “the mother of the harlots” because all the individual false religions in the world, including the many sects in Christendom, are like her daughters, imitating her in committing spiritual harlotry. She is also the mother of “disgusting things” in that she has given birth to such revolting offspring as idolatry, spiritism, fortune-telling, astrology, palmistry, human sacrifice, temple prostitution, drunkenness in honor of false gods, and other obscene practices!

    Babylon the Great is dressed in “purple and scarlet,” the colors of royalty, and is “adorned with gold and precious stone and pearls.” How appropriate! Just reflect on all the magnificent buildings, rare statues and paintings, priceless icons, and other religious paraphernalia, as well as astronomical amounts of property and cash, that this world’s religions have accumulated. Whether at the Vatican, in the TV empire of evangelism centered in the United States, or in the exotic wats and temples of the Orient, Babylon the Great has amassed—and at times lost—fabulous wealth.

    So anything you say about the Catholics, she being a daughter of the prostitute Babylon the Great wouldn’t surprise me!

    The Pope has set himself up as the mediator to God when Jesus himself is our mediator to God!

    (1 Timothy 2:5-6) 5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all—this is what is to be witnessed to in its own due time.

    The 17th chapter of Revelation says that the 7 headed 10 horned wild beast will destroy the mother of prostitutes Babylon the Great so the Catholic and all other Christian, Muslim, Atheist,etc will come to an end by the means of world government! Just maybe we are seeing what the governments may seeing, an unrest among religion!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Catholic Church? There has been very few changes since the Catholic became the official Roman State Religion of the empire back in the 4th century. That is when the church leaders started to execute any who disagreed with them. And Bible reading started to be discouraged and later forbidden.

    Changes? After the fall of Rome the Church became the power of the Holy Roman Empire from 800 CE when the Pope crowned Charlemagne. And the church became divided between Roman Catholicism and Orthodox Catholicism in 1054 CE. And when the Pope became infallible.

    Is the church going to change yet again, you ask? Yes it will. Shortly the nations of the world will strip her of her vast wealth as they at the same time strip Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism and other parts of Babylon the Great as well. See Rev 17.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 years ago

    Well, apart from practicing fasle worship, idolatry, child abuse, necromancy, encouraging the spread of AIDS in Africa, causing the births of millions of unwanted babies in Africa and contributing to the death of millions Africans through starvation, nothing's up.

  • Otto
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    It is not the true religion. they belong to "Babylon the Great", and they will soon be removed.

    Source(s): Bible
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  • 4 years ago

    Maybe they're finally pulling themselves into the twentieth century.

    Only a hundred years behind the times, then.

  • Caesar
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Biggest Christian group on the planet...

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    What specific problems do you have with them?

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