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What is the best meal replacement shake for weight loss?

4 Answers

  • lila
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Meal replacement shakes are generally not regarded as healthy.

  • .
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    It's best to go ahead and eat your calories. However there are a few decent meal replacement shakes on the market (that have decent nutrients). Isagenix, Shakeology, and IdealShake are 3 brands that get good reviews. They don't magically cause fat loss, but are designed to be low calorie and help you feel full in place of eating a meal (that could do the same thing).

    If you don't learn to eat healthy and stay active as a lifestyle, nothing will help you drop pounds or keep them off long term.

  • 3 years ago

    None really, but it depends on the type of diet you are on. The concept of a meal replacement item (drink or bar) is to provide you with nutrition and at least some appetite control at a lower calorie count than a normal meal. If you are just looking for satiety, some fresh veggies is a better way to go. If you are looking for convenience or portability, a pre-packaged drink may fit the bill. The key here is that you have to accept this as your meal. If you are hungry afterword you can't just get something else to eat if you want it to work. "Replacement" means are really just smaller meals. You also need to realize that if you cannot afford to do this forever, you need to learn how to manage your food intake without the shakes. There is nothing magical about these.

    Pure Protein makes a drink/shake that is high in protein and low in carbs at about 110-130 calories. If you are trying to limit your carbs, this is a good choice. Pricey -- put all high protein/low carb shakes are going to cost more than those that are basically chocolate milk like Slimfast. Getting a bulk powder you mix yourself is more cost-effective than purchasing ready-made individual drinks.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    None of them, you can take them lose a few lbs but gain it quicker when you stop the shakes, stick to healthy eating and exercise, I did and lost 28lbs and didn't regain it

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