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Ex asked me if a guy has asked me out ?

My ex found out that I had gone to a dinner party with my brothers colleague, at first he said "Oh I see" then he said "Invited by a colleague of your brothers?" With a smirk face emoji, and when I simply relied yea he said "hahaha nice" I read the message and did not reply. Couple of minutes later he sent me another message saying "Did he ask you out or something?"What is going on? He's the one who asked for the break up, I know that both of us are uncomfortable with the thought of us being with other men or women, he has said that he misses me and the time we spent together but doesn't want to get back together. He still texts me everyday, asks about me, worries about me and asks who I go out with

5 Answers

  • kobe
    Lv 4
    3 years ago

    I think talking to your ex is a complete waste of time. He’s established that he doesn’t want to get back together. This means that he has nothing to offer you Romantically at this point. He doesn’t need to be worried about you, what you’re doing and who you’re doing it with or why. That’s not his business. He lost that Option when he broke up with you. The only thing talking to him is going to do, is confuse you and make it harder for you to move on if he’s always around asking questions making it seem like there’s something there, when there obviously isn’t if y’all arent getting back together. Distance yourself from him.

  • kavana
    Lv 4
    3 years ago

    Tell him to move on.he got his wish now live with it.

  • 3 years ago

    If he is your ex, then why does he care? The two of you aren't with each other anymore. It really is none of his business who you go out with. It isn't his concern anymore. He needs to quit keeping tabs on you and go find someone else who will have him.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Yes he did, and thank you for asking. I didn't really read your description, because it doesn't matter.

    You said ex, your own words, which means the key word is ex. Ex means not your problem anymore, end of discussion. Only a current lover can ask those kinds of questions, nobody else, and an ex is definitely not a current lover.

    If you and your ex are still interested in each other, and I'm only saying if, them maybe you should stop being exes. But until that happens (and I'm still only saying if), ex means not your friggin' problem anymore.

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  • Tantra
    Lv 4
    3 years ago

    Ignore him. He is past so its your private business

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