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Please explain what is be said in these following scriptures, I’ve given the Greek words and there meaning.?

1st scripture (Matt 6:9) 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. (Hallowed= hä-gē-ä'-zō ) its meaning: to render or acknowledge, or to be venerable or hallow; Jesus is talking about his heavenly Father, just how is the Christian faiths acknowledging Jesus’ Father’s name??

2nd scripture (Matt 11:25) At that season Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding, and didst reveal them unto babes:

(Father, Lord of heaven and earth; Father (pä-tā'r)) its meaning: generator or male ancestor; Jesus himself is acknowledges he has a Father and his Father is the “Lord”of heaven and earth! Just how is the Christian faiths acknowledging that Jesus’ Father is the Lord of heaven and earth?

3rd scripture (Matt 11:27) All things have been delivered unto me of my Father: and no one knoweth the Son, save the Father; neither doth any know the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son willeth to reveal him. Jesus tell us that all things have been delivered unto him by his Father (delivered unto me(Jesus) of my Father= (pä-rä-dē'-dō-mē) Its meaning; to give into the hands (of another) Just how is the Christian faiths of today teaching that what Jesus taught came from his Father?


(John 12:28) Father, glorify your name.” Then a voice came out of heaven: “I have glorified it and will glorify it again.”

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    Jehovah's Witnesses have taught that in the model prayer Jesus was showing what our priorities should be, first the sanctification of God's name, [Jehovah in English] we would therefore request the help we need to do all we can to be obedient so as not to bring reproach on Jehovah God and by means of the preaching and teaching work show who is behind all the worlds problems and what God is doing about it thus people stop blaming him and cleaning his name in their hearts and minds. We have always taught that Jesus is the Son of God and did exactly as his Father instructed, only Jehovah's Witnesses teach what the Holy Bible teaches and right hearted ones will have no problem comparing what we teach via the NWT with their own choice of Bible; lying ones who oppose us falsely accuse us of producing a distorted version, compare for yourselves and you will see that other than the use of God's name and using modern English and terms it is NOT distorted.

  • User
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    1) Please explain what is be said

    Wow. I see why you need to ask this, but (frankly) I'm not sure you'll understand the answer.

    2) 1st scripture (Matt 6:9) 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. (Hallowed= hä-gē-ä'-zō ) its meaning: to render or acknowledge, or to be venerable or hallow

    A - You've copied a small portion of the source accurately, though very selectively, only partially. Why did you omit the remainder - the much lengthier remainder - of the lexicon entry of that word?

    B - No fault of yours (the fault is your source), but the definition contains a grammatical error - a really obvious one. It is possible "to be venerable", but not possible "to be hallow". Looking at a different source, I see the correctly-written first definition is:

    - to render or acknowledge to be venerable, to hallow

    which makes a LOT more sense.

    So...let's use those CORRECT definitions one after the other and see which best fits. For the sake of brevity (the answer is already too long), I will overlook the several definitions that you intentionally omitted. Remember that in this passage the word is being used in the imperative passive form.

    - ...may your name be rendered to be venerable... [not very sensible]

    - ...may your name be acknowledged to be venerable... [fine]

    - ...may your name be hallowed... [fine]

    3) Jesus is talking about his heavenly Father, just how is the Christian faiths acknowledging Jesus’ Father’s name??

    And here we see your weakness in English grammar and vocabulary expose itself again

    Namely: what does the word "name" mean?

    More importantly: how is the author using the word "name" IN THIS CONTEXT?

    But let's also overlook that and continue to use the word "name" without being more precise.

    All Christian sects whose services I have attended clearly and indisputably do both of these things:

    - acknowledge the Father's name to be venerable (and treat it so)

    - hallow the Father's name

    4) 2nd scripture (Matt 11:25) At that season Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding, and didst reveal them unto babes:

    (Father, Lord of heaven and earth; Father (pä-tā'r)) its meaning: generator or male ancestor;

    Here we see that you've omitted almost the entire definition! Such selectivity is intellectually dishonest, but of course it's the only way you can make your case.

    I won't bother to address this further simply because it is clear that you are being intentionally devious.

  • Bill
    Lv 4
    3 years ago

    What Does It Mean to Be a Christian?

    “IN MY country to be a Christian means to go to church once a week,” says Kingsley, from one African country. Raad, from the Middle East, explains: “In our community Christians are viewed as a group who follow Western customs and traditions in their dress, celebrations, and treatment of women.”

    But does being a Christian simply mean that one attends a church service once a week and follows certain social customs and traditions? Logically, should not the word “Christian” refer to a way of life that reflects the attitudes, values, and conduct that Christ preached and exemplified? * How was Christianity practiced at its inception?

    Early Christianity​—A Way of Life

    Jesus said to his followers: “You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you.” (John 15:14) Since Jesus’ teachings affected all aspects of their lives, Christ’s disciples initially referred to their religion as “The Way.” (Acts 9:2) Soon thereafter, “[they] were by divine providence called Christians.” (Acts 11:26) This new name they bore meant that they believed that Jesus was the Son of God, who had transmitted to mankind the will of his heavenly Father. This belief led them to follow a way of life that differed from that of the world around them.

    Christ’s teachings moved his followers to follow Bible teachings, which meant avoiding “fornication, uncleanness, loose conduct, idolatry, practice of spiritism, enmities, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, . . . drunken bouts, revelries, and things like these.” (Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 4:17-24) The apostle Paul reminded Corinthian Christians that some of them had once practiced these very things. Then he added: “But you have been washed clean, but you have been sanctified, but you have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”​—1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

    E. W. Barnes relates in his book The Rise of Christianity: “In its early authoritative documents the Christian movement is represented as essentially moral and law-abiding. Its members desired to be good citizens and loyal subjects. They shunned the failings and vices of paganism. In private life they sought to be peaceful neighbours and trustworthy friends. They were taught to be sober, industrious and clean-living. Amid prevailing corruption and licentiousness they were, if loyal to their principles, honest and truthful. Their sexual standards were high: the marriage tie was respected and family life was pure.” Such were aspects of being a Christian in the early days.

    Another distinctive sign of early Christianity was its zealous evangelizing work. Christ commanded his followers: “Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations.” (Matthew 28:19, 20) Jean Bernardi, a professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris, France, noted: “[Christians] were to go out and speak everywhere and to everyone. On the highways and in the cities, on the public squares and in the homes. Welcome or unwelcome. To the poor, and to the rich encumbered by their possessions. . . . They had to take to the road, board ships, and go to the ends of the earth.”

    True Christianity Today

    True Christians today should stand out for their distinctive way of life, just as they did in the first century. Accordingly, Jehovah’s Witnesses strive to adhere strictly to the precepts established by the first Christians. Their efforts to pattern their lives after the teachings of the Bible are noticed by others.

    For instance, the New Catholic Encyclopedia acknowledges that Jehovah’s Witnesses are known as “one of the best-behaved groups in the world.” The Deseret News of Salt Lake City, Utah, observed that Jehovah’s Witnesses “promote strong family ties and develop productive and honest citizens.” The newspaper added: “Members believe in a strong moral code. They believe smoking, overdrinking, drug misuse, gambling, sexual promiscuity and homosexuality are spiritually damaging practices. They teach honesty and good work habits.”

    The Witnesses also take to heart their responsibility to be zealous evangelizers. Commenting on this the New Catholic Encyclopedia says: “The fundamental obligation of each member . . . is to give witness to Jehovah by announcing His approaching Kingdom. . . . To be a true Witness one must preach effectively in one way or another.”

    Clearly, true Christianity is much more than membership in one of the many religions of Christendom. Jesus himself foretold the rise of counterfeit Christians. (Matthew 7:22, 23) Jehovah’s Witnesses invite you to learn what Jesus taught and put it into practice. That is what it means to be a Christian. Jesus said: “If you know these things, happy you are if you do them.”​—John 13:17.


    ^ par. 4 One dictionary defines a Christian as someone who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or who follows the religion based on his life and teachings.


    ▪ Whom did Jesus call his friends?​—John 15:14.

    ▪ What sort of conduct should true Christians shun?​—Galatians 5:19-21.

    ▪ In what work should Christians take part?​—Matthew 28:19, 20.

    True Christians are zealous evangelizers, as they were centuries ago

  • 3 years ago

    Everyone will give you their own personal take on hose verses. You should discover what they mean to you.

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  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Matthew 6:9 When Christ had condemned what was amiss, he directs to do better; for his are reproofs of instruction. Because we know not what to pray for as we ought, he here helps our infirmities, by putting words into our mouths; after this manner therefore pray ye, v. 9. So many were the corruptions that had crept into this duty of prayer among the Jews, that Christ saw it needful to give a new directory for prayer, to show his disciples what must ordinarily be the matter and method of their prayer, which he gives in words that may very well be used as a form; as the summary or contents of the several particulars of our prayers. Not that we are tied up to the use of this form only, or of this always, as if this were necessary to the consecrating of our other prayers; we are here bid to pray after this manner, with these words, or to this effect. That in Luke differs from this; we do not find it used by the apostles; we are not here taught to pray in the name of Christ, as we are afterward; we are here taught to pray that the kingdom might come which did come when the Spirit was poured out: yet, without doubt, it is very good to use it as a form, and it is a pledge of the communion of saints, it having been used by the church in all ages, at least (says Dr. Whitby) from the third century. It is our Lord's prayer, it is of his composing, of his appointing; it is very compendious, yet very comprehensive, in compassion to our infirmities in praying. The matter is choice and necessary, the method instructive, and the expression very concise. It has much in a little, and it is requisite that we acquaint ourselves with the sense and meaning of it, for it is used acceptably no further than it is used with understanding and without vain repetition.

    The Lord's prayer (as indeed every prayer) is a letter sent from earth to heaven. Here is the inscription of the letter, the person to whom it is directed, our Father; the where, in heaven; the contents of it in several errands of request; the close, for thine is the kingdom; the seal, Amen; and if you will, the date too, this day.

    Matthew 11:25-26

    Christ here returns thanks to God for his favour to those babes who had the mysteries of the gospel revealed to them (v. 25,26). Jesus answered and said. It is called an answer, though no other words are before recorded but his own, because it is so comfortable a reply to the melancholy considerations preceding, and is aptly set in the balance against them. The sin and ruin of those woeful cities, no doubt, was a grief to the Lord Jesus; he could not but weep over them, as he did over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41); with this thought therefore he refreshes himself; and to make it the more refreshing, he puts it into a thanksgiving; that for all this, there is a remnant, though but babes, to whom the things of the gospel are revealed. Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall he be glorious. Note, We may take great encouragement in looking upward to God, when round about us we see nothing but what is discouraging. It is sad to see how regardless most men are of their own happiness, but it is comfortable to think that the wise and faithful God will, however, effectually secure the interests of his own glory. Jesus answered and said, I thank thee. Note, Thanksgiving is a proper answer to dark and disquieting thoughts, and may be an effectual means to silence them. Songs of praise are sovereign cordials to drooping souls, and will help to cure melancholy. When we have no other answer ready to the suggestions of grief and fear, we may have recourse to this, I thank thee, O Father; let us bless God that it is not worse with us than it is.

    Matthew 11:27 His commission from the Father: All things are delivered unto me of my Father. Christ, as God, is equal in power and glory with the Father; but as Mediator he receives his power and glory from the Father; has all judgment committed to him. He is authorized to settle a new covenant between God and man, and to offer peace and happiness to the apostate world, upon such terms as he should think fit: he was sanctified and sealed to be the sole Plenipotentiary, to concert and establish this great affair. In order to this, he has all power both in heaven and in earth, (ch. 28:18); power over all flesh (John 17:2); authority to execute judgment, John 5:22,27. This encourages us to come to Christ, that he is commissioned to receive us, and to give us what we come for, and has all things delivered to him for that purpose, by him who is Lord of all. All powers, all treasures are in his hand. Observe, The Father has delivered his all into the hands of the Lord Jesus; let us but deliver our all into his hand and the work is done; God has made him the great Referee, the blessed Daysman, to lay his hand upon us both; that which we have to do is to agree to the reference, to submit to the arbitration of the Lord Jesus, for the taking up of this unhappy controversy, and to enter into bonds to stand to his award.

    His intimacy with the Father: No man knoweth the Son but the Father, Neither knoweth any man the Father save the Son. This gives us a further satisfaction, and an abundant one. Ambassadors use to have not only their commissions, which they produce, but their instructions, which they reserve to themselves, to be made use of as there is occasion in their negotiations; our Lord Jesus had both, not only authority, but ability, for his undertaking. In transacting the great business of our redemption, the Father and the Son are the parties principally concerned; the counsel of peace is between them, Zech 6:13. It must therefore be a great encouragement to us to be assured, that they understood one another very well in this affair; that the Father knew the Son, and the Son knew the Father, and both perfectly (a mutual consciousness we may call it, between the Father and the Son), so that there could be no mistake in the settling of this matter; as often there is among men, to the overthrow of contracts, and the breaking of the measures taken, through their misunderstanding one another. The Son had lain in the bosom of the Father from eternity; he was à secretioribus—of the cabinet-council, John 1:18. He was by him, as one brought up with him (Prov 8:30), so that none knows the Father save the Son, he adds, and he to whom the Son will reveal him. Note, [1.] The happiness of men lies in an acquaintance with God; it is life eternal, it is the perfection of rational beings. [2.] Those who would have an acquaintance with God, must apply themselves to Jesus Christ; for the light of the knowledge of the glory of God shines in the face of Christ, 2 Cor 4:6. We are obliged to Christ for all the revelation we have of God the Father's will and love, ever since Adam sinned; there is no comfortable intercourse between a holy God and sinful man, but in and by a Mediator, John 14:6.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    God is the power that created us as we truly are, eternal spirit. When He did, He gave us His power to use with Him as love. We can only use it when we realize it came from Him, not ourselves. Otherwise we are acting as the world, the ego, Mammon.

    Mammon is the world of form, temporary things which God didn't create. We are not that; it is a temporary dream

    " I will not talk with you much longer, because the ruler of the world is coming. He has no power over me."

    We are the kingdom of heaven, even while on this earth. "You are on the earth but not of the earth."

  • 3 years ago

    The Roman Catholic Church herself admits to the forgery of the Holy Scriptures. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6, page 136, gives us this admission.

    "Substitution of false documents and tampering with genuine ones was quite a trade in the Middle Ages. Innocent III (1198) points out nine species of forgery [of ecclesiastical records] which had come under his notice.

    But such frauds of the Church were not confined to the Middle Ages; they begin even with the beginning of the Church and infest every period of its history for fifteen hundred years and defile nearly every document, both of "Scriptures" and of Church aggrandizement. As truly said by Collins, in his celebrated Discourse of Free Thinking:

    "In Short, these frauds are very common in all books which are published by priests or priestly men... For it is certain they may plead the authority of the Fathers for Forgery, Corruption and mangling of Authors, with more reason than for any of their Articles of Faith.."(p.96.)

    When the New Testament in the Sinai Bible is compared with a modern-day New Testament, a staggering 14,800 editorial alterations can be identified. These amendments can be recognised by a simple comparative exercise that anybody can and should do. Serious study of Christian origins must emanate from the Sinai Bible's version of the New Testament, not modern editions.

    The Church itself admits that it does not know who wrote its Gospels and Epistles, confessing that all 27 New Testament writings began life anonymously:

    "It thus appears that the present titles of the Gospels are not traceable to the evangelists themselves ... they [the New Testament collection] are supplied with titles which, however ancient, do not go back to the respective authors of those writings." (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. vi, pp. 655-6)

    The Church maintains that "the titles of our Gospels were not intended to indicate authorship", adding that "the headings ... were affixed to them" (Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. i, p. 117, vol. vi, pp. 655, 656). Therefore they are not Gospels written "according to Matthew, Mark, Luke or John", as publicly stated. The full force of this confession reveals that there are no genuine apostolic Gospels, and that the Church's shadowy writings today embody the very ground and pillar of Christian foundations and faith. The consequences are fatal to the pretence of Divine origin of the entire New Testament and expose Christian texts as having no special authority. For centuries, fabricated Gospels bore Church certification of authenticity now confessed to be false, and this provides evidence that Christian writings are wholly fallacious.

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