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Do you think that Pat Robertson believes in Reincarnation? Why or why not?


About 25% of Christians believe in reincarnation. Did you know that?

4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Who knows what religious predators really believe? All I can see is a cynical old man who has richly feathered his nest by taking advantage of gullible, superstitious people. If we were to ask him, I'm guessing he would say 'no'.


    <About 25% of Christians believe in reincarnation. Did you know that?> I don't know the number, but I wouldn't be too surprised to learn it's that high, given many so-called Christians really have no idea what's actually in the scriptures they profess to believe. Since reincarnation is antithetical to Christianity, these people obviously don't really believe in Christianity's core belief of redemption. How often do we see people here offering Pascal's wager as a reasonable proposition, as though merely professing belief is some sort of insurance policy for egos afraid to die, and assuming an omnipotent being would be too fracking stupid to know when someone isn't sincere. Some of them probably think of reincarnation as some sort of secondary policy, as though what they do or don't believe about it has any bearing on reality.



  • 3 years ago

    i dont think so, because there are at least two bible verses that reject reincarnation

    1. 1peter 3:18-20

    2. Heb. 9: 27

    27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    No because you are a robot.

  • David
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Of course not. Some of his views are a little wacky, but he's not nuts enough to believe in the reincarnation nonsense!

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