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Lv 4
? asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 3 years ago

Why do people get more upset over children's deaths than the death of adults?

News headings always say "look at all the children the war killed" and often fails to mention the death toll of adults. Also, we are more protective of things like babies and puppies than we are of adults.

Is there a genetic inclination for us to be protective of babies, and if so, are there any studies done?


I was hoping for a bit of concrete evidence and research rather than observations... Any studies done on this phenomenon?

9 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    Men are disposable. Society has adopted that ideology. It's the same reason why people laugh at men being beaten by a woman but attack any man who does the same to a woman. Or why men are treated like pedophiles when they sit in a park by themselves while other people's kid play in the park. Feminist ideology is permeated like a virus or a rash over society, and we are seeing the result.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Probably because they were taught to by their 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 parents

    and society at large who care so much about children

    that they allow abortion a.k.a. baby murder to gò òn!

  • 3 years ago

    Because they are identifying with the parents, children are innocents, they lost so much time and experience in life....not everything is a scientific debate some things are heart and soul.

  • 3 years ago

    innocence. at least perceived. i knew a lot of rotten bastards when i was a kid.

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  • liz
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Children, as a group, are seen as innocent and weak. Unlike adults. We’re all aware of our failings as adults and children aren’t tainted that way. Plus they’re the future, so they have to be kept safe. Most people who’ve had kids are programmed to put them first, come what may. Looking after children safeguards the species.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Because people are naturally programmed to put more importance on the lives and well being of children.

    The order of importance in peoples minds goes as following.




    Note: Females will get more importance in peoples minds even as children.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Unlike adults small children are still innocent in many ways.

    Source(s): MGTOW
  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    because adults know how to take care of themselves or should know how. children do not.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    It might be genetic or it might be social factors. Everyone does not feel that way. Some people love aborting their unborn babies for instance while another group loves their children.

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