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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 2 years ago

How likely is it that overturning Roe v. Wade would actually end legal abortion in the USA?

If the overturning decision simply voided the requirement for states to allow abortion, most states would then allow it. If the overturning decision made abortion illegal in all 50 states, that would likely lead to a Constitutional amendment making it legal, since freedom of abortion choice is supported by a large majority of the public. Abortion is legal even in Ireland now.

13 Answers

  • 2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Abortion is a political issue disguised as a moral or religious issue. The Republicans have been manipulating the issue since 1980 for POLITICAL gain. I don't even think they want to, or intend to, ban abortion because they'd lose it as an issue! They're controlling the discussion for maximum political mileage.

    Ronald Reagan started out by promising to push for a constitutional amendment, no less, to declare the unborn as 'human beings', which would have made abortion equal to murder. But once in office he didn't even try! This is now called a 'personhood' law. Alabama had a personhood law on the ballot back in 2012, and even the voters turned it down!

    Then they went through a period where the attitude was 'Well, personally I'm totally Pro Life. But I don't think it's something for the government to be involved in.'

    NOW the idea is to reverse Roe v. Wade which (they say) will pas it down to the states. Frankly I don't see that happening. Every single Supreme Court nomination made by a Republican since 1980 has been promised to the Christian Right to be the single swing-vote needed to overturn Roe v. Wade. But it hasn't happened in 40 years, has it?

  • mom
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    I could be wrong but I have the date of Roe v Wade written down as being 1-22-1973. That would have hit during either Nixon or Ford's administration and at that time the Supreme Court was pretty much as Republican as it is now, if not more so. I can remember when the closest place to go was around the corner and down 2 blocks to the building on the corner, last office back in the hall. I also remember a neighbor going to a Dr. who gave her a shot that did the job. There were also over the counter meds you could buy that would make it happen and other methods that were touted. I don't think it would make one iota of difference, just not as safe or as out in the open, just as it was back then.

  • 2 years ago

    Like people have said, it would go to the states. The more important question would then be "will conservatives be satisfied at that point?"

    I can't imagine why they would be. If their policy were "you do you", they wouldn't have opposed Roe v Wade in the first place. And if they did want to ban it nationally, overturning Roe v Wade would be the first step. It would never happen, but they could try.

    Otherwise, if they think God is fine with abortion at the state level, then I guess that would be it.

  • .
    Lv 7
    2 years ago


    Twenty-four states have anti-abortion legislatures, but only about four (Louisiana, Mississippi and North and South Dakota) would probably ban the procedure except for rape or to save the life of the mother.

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  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Women would find back street doctors, and those who could afford it would simply go to Canada or Mexico for an abortion. Before abortion was legal in Ireland, women would cross the border to Northern Ireland where abortion was legal.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    it goes back to the States

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    In Detroit, black/black market abortionists know how to make sidecash. How about all DEM fetuses?

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    100% in some states.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    It would only do that in some red states.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Are you home-schooled?

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