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Question for all muslims. Do you support Hamas and their policy of the eradication of all the Jews as per their charter? Yes or No.?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Your answer sucks. The sperm is not seed and it carries nothing but half of DNA. The egg carries the other half of DNA. The sperm dies without egg as well. However the egg is more like a seed and the sperm is like a pollen but we are not plants.

    Take a biology class moron.

  • 2 years ago

    In Islam it is permissible to lie if it is the service of Muhammad.

  • 2 years ago

    Notice Armchair Goddess # 1 dodged your question.

  • 2 years ago

    Do you mean Kareem Abdul Jabbar, too? How about our many Muslim Americans---do you include them in your question? Most Muslims (of the 2.6 billion of them in the world, many of them Americans) seek peaceful resolutions to the theft of Palestinian lands in order to create a "homeland" for displaced Jews. Both Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton came so very close to having a recognized and accepted TWO-STATE SOLUTION that was about to be put into place...but then along came war criminal mass murderer land-lusting Binyamin Netanyahu. Hamas is the underdog in the eternal struggle between the validation of the Palestinian State and the rules for the State of Israel, so they might exaggerate their goal or role to gain some sort of leverage. If we had Hillary Clinton and her wise budget-balancing husband Bill Clinton at the helm instead of the Nincompoop mobbed-up incompetent sociopath Trump, there would be a peace agreement that would render your query moot.

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  • humpty
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    A good question, but your outcome will be affected by the number of trolls who pretend to be things they are not. This non Muslim points out that the relevant section in the Hamas charter is taken directly from the Hadiths, held holy by all of Islam.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Aren't you the guys who want Isreal destroyed and the remaining Jews to convert to Christianity so Baby Jesus can return on his chariot with firey wheels wielding his double-edged bloody flaming sword seeking vengeance?

    One needs to know his audience.

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