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What is the truth behind the alleged confrontation between the MAGA hat wearing Catholic youth and the Tribal Elder at the Lincoln Memorial?

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Much ado about nothing. Way overblown.

  • WHY ???

  • TO me it is this: that whatever hat you are wearing and whatever nationality the one you are interacting with, there is a right and wrong way. Any more elaboration and someone is just using the Elder or the hat-wearer in their own hate campaign.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    "Needless to say we are all extremely disappointed in the our students for their harassment of Nathan Phillips and other Indigenous persons in Washington on Friday," said Dean Beamish, a vice-principal at the suddenly-infamous school. "This is a direct violation of the expressed purpose of the trip, which was to harass women seeking control over their own bodies. We are working on a suitable punishment as we speak, but rest assured it will involve making females of all ages feel unsafe and unsupported, in some way, shape, or form."

    "As we have made clear to all of our students under our purview, we are not concerned with the actions, needs, fears, or concerns of people once born. Our quarrel is not with Native Americans, unless they have a womb the conduct of which they mistakenly believe falls under their own authority. In which case we will hound them mercilessly."

    "I know it's hard to keep track of who to hate and in which order," said one online adherent, from Brimstone, New Mexico, going by the handle @RealJesus "I myself regularly wonder whether I'm hating a lesbian for being gay or for being a woman. My advice to the kids out there that are just starting out as representatives of God's Eternal Animosity, is stick to the main themes. And the ancient subordination of women is a great starting place."

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  • 2 years ago

    The truth is that is was edited with bias and the students were the ones harassed..

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    The truth is that the school, the kids, that mom, white supremacists, lawyers, PR people, the Catholic church are trying to make it seem that the boys were the real victims here. Trying real hard. Covington HS produces racists, rapists.

    That was a group of almost fifty boys. Exchanging insults with another awful group. Nathan Phillips stepped between them, tried to diffuse this. The boys turned on him. Trying to make up a narrative that the boys were just innocent helpers who wanted to help, praise Mother Mary, reeks of bullshit and spin.

    Here's what actually went down in the 1:46:18 video, and the Native American banging the drum is in it for less than a minute.

    The video starts with a small group of three or four people called the "Black Israelites." They're shouting, and quoting Bible scripture, and being asses.

    A large group of Native Americans are nearby, and there are a few exchanges between the two groups. The BIs are being jerks, telling the NAs they're worshipping false gods, etc.

    Somewhere in the first seven minutes, a small group of MAGA kids stands between the NAs and the BIs watching and listening.

    Somewhere around the 11:20 mark, camera pans over to MAGA kids, one of the MAGA kids walks up to the shouting BI guy, then leaves with the other MAGAs.

    Then there's a long period of this and that between the BIs and the NAs, none of which involves MAGAs.

    At 29:20, the BIs insult about three or four MAGAs standing around.

    At 33:30, the NAs form a large circle and start chanting. BIs are still shouting about whatever.

    38:20, a bunch of MAGAs show up. There's a bit of an exchange between the MAGAs and the BIs.

    There are large chunks of time in which MAGAs and NAs come and go, and things are said, blah blah blah.

    At 56:55, a very large crowd of MAGAs is now gathered on the steps behind the BIs.

    1:07:50, BI yells at MAGAs.

    1:08:35, the whole crowd of MAGAs starts chanting and booing at the BIs.

    1:09:48, belligerent MAGA guy runs down stairs toward BIs, takes his shirt off, and the whole crowd cheers, and then they all chant at the BIs.

    1:11:00, MAGAs are mocking and chanting at the BIs.

    1:12:17, a few NAs march in between the MAGA crowd and the BIs, singing and banging a drum, trying to break up the clash between the MAGAs and the BIs. The MAGAs surround the NAs and perform mocking chants. More MAGAs gather, more mocking and chanting.

    1:16:20-ish, BI and MAGA guy get into a fight after BI yells at MAGAs "why don't you go shoot up some schools"? MAGAs surround BIs, still more shouting.

    1:17:55, MAGAs start chanting again, there's lots of back and forth between MAGAs and BIs, and this goes on.

    MAGAs finally disperse at 1:28-ish.

    There's more that doesn't involve the MAGAs, then cops show up at 1:39:50. Nothing happens, cops leave.

    1:44:10 guy recording the entire video says he has to stop recording because his battery is low.

    Attachment image
  • 2 years ago

    The Indian walked up to the kids. He instigated the event, and CNN interviewed the man, who appears to be of an unsettled mind. Then others, apparently with the Indian guy, began to preach what a Gay man Trump is (using the example of Trump kissing Giuliani while Giuliani was in drag).

    They were trying to instigate the kids into action that would be inappropriate.

    So again, the Left tried to make the news, and did so. They HATE Trump (including the Indian man) like nothing we have ever seen before. They are trying to use minors to instigate trouble.

    edit: I was left with a sense of respect for the kid who stood his ground. What a patient, well-behaved kid. I could see how the media could foster animus against the kid with the truncated version of the video, but we know now it wasn't the kid who was misbehaving.

    edit: I think the Indian guy is confused. It seems he is up to damage control, he wants people to think he was protecting the kids. He lamented that the kids were pro-Trump, which is why I think he was really there. I could think that the man was trying to perform a sort of exorcism by his words and demeanor, but I didn't hear him use that word.

    Source(s): bisexual Christian
  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Catholic children being disrespectful to an old man, veteran,

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago


  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Those kids are misguided

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