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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 2 years ago

How to get ex wife to pay medical bills?

My husband and his ex wife have an agreement where she is supposed to pay 50 percent of medical costs. however she never really keeps jobs for long. The three kids they have are actually living with us full time. she's supposed to pay child support and doesn't do that either. There have been some extensive medical bills over the last few years. Of course they always come in our name to our house. Just asking her to pay the 50 percent isn't fruitful. Also, it's a little unfair that we have to deal with the brunt of figuring it all out, and practically having to sue her to get the payment. and pay out up front for the bills..considering we are already footing the cost to clothe and feed her three kids already. is suing her the only way we can hold her accountable?


i would love for my husband to do all of this but he isn't a savvy guy about court, phonecalls, and getting stuff like this done. it's either I take the lead.. or pay the price

14 Answers

  • lucy
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    WHOEVER takes the child/ren to a doctor or to the ER, then when they do, you will sign a form that states "If insurance does not pay, then (I) will be held personally responsible"".

    So, yes, the bills are coming to your husband, since either you or him signed that form. Now, (if) the EX took the child/ren to be treated, then SHE would be sent the bills, since she would have signed that form to be held responsible.

    Now the situation based on other questions is that about a year or 2 ago, the children were going back and forth on (who) had custody, thus now your husband has full time custody and my guess is he is absolutely happy having the children with him full time, and my guess is not pursuing this, since he wants to not (risk) she try and get the kids back full time.

    Now my (late) husband when he divorced his wife, got custody of his 2 children. She was supposed to pay child support and also pay for other expenses, but she NEVER did, but he (never) pursued for this, since he wanted to keep the kids full time.

    And yes as a step mother, you may end up paying for expenses that are incurred for your step children, but when you marry someone with children, just like any (other) expenses, as married people do, we are both supposed to pay/help each other.

    IF, she was paying child support on a regular basis vs now paying or (not), since working or not, then it might be more easier to pay for the medical bills and other (normal) expenses like food/clothing etc.

    Yes you can go to court and pursue her for this. But, even if the judge agrees that is owed and (if) she does not have the money, then she won't pay. With child support, it never goes away and she will owe till (each) child is 18 and out of HS, so she could end up paying for them for years after till paid in full.

    Honey, he is not pursuing, since my guess is that he does not want to "upset" the apple cart as the saying goes. If, I had to guess, if you keep on going after her even though he appears to not care, then at some point, if he has to choose on (keeping) the kids vs you, he will choose his kids.

  • Judy
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Yes, and even then, if she doesn't have it, you don't get it. But "clothe and feed HER three kids " - aren't they your HUSBAND'S kids also?

  • 2 years ago

    Your husband is not going to throw his kids on the street because his ex refuses to pay her share. That what a father is SUPPOSED to do for his kids. When you married a guy with kids you bought into this and step parents complaints about the the costs of their spouse's kids are as common as dish water and a dime a dozen. Sorry but your only options are to help with the kids, both physcially and finanically, or file for divorce.

  • 2 years ago

    Take her to court, yes.

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  • 2 years ago

    family court. and she's going to plead poverty -- I'd bet dollars to donut holes on tthat

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Yes. Do so immediately.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Just goes to show you that the term "deadbeat" doesn't only apply to dads.

  • 2 years ago

    Suing her might make you feel better, as if you have achieved a measure of revenge, but if she doesn't have the money to pay the kids' expenses, she won't be able to pay a court judgement either.

  • 2 years ago

    Is there a court order that says she has to pay 50% of medical? If no, then good luck.

    You can't squeeze juice from a rock. If she can't pay, then suing her does nothing anyway.

  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Then he ( not you) need to go to court and get child support and medical fees via a court order........ then if she breaks it it is contempt of court as well

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