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I was born with a Scorpio moon and Sagittarius rising...are they important or is only my sun sign?

5 Answers

  • Janet
    Lv 7
    2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your Sun sign is only ONE out of 40-50 factors in your personal birthchart.

    These are the things you look at.

    First, look at all of the 10 planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Each planet represents a different inner need .. a different facet of your personality. Our attempts to meet each is what makes us who we are.

    Secondly, look at how the planets/needs interact act with ("aspect") each other. Not every planet/need will interact with all of the other planets/needs, but when they do the interaction TENDS to be either positive or negative.

    These aspects refer to certain distances ... for instance a square aspect occurs when any two planets are between 82 and 98 degrees apart, and it doesn't matter what signs those two planets are in.

    We always look at the aspects before we look at the Sign each planet is in, because how we interpret the style of that Sign depends on how the planet is aspected.

    - Positive aspects are shown on your chart by green or blue lines connecting any two planets. These will sextiles or trines ... although the conjunction of two "benefic planets" is also positive. When any two planets/needs interact in a positive way, each need helps the other need get met, creating inner harmony and it helps the person accomplish what they want. And whatever style that need/planet has (the Sign it is in), that will be expressed in the positive style of that sign.

    - Negative aspects are shown on your chart by red lines connecting any two planets. These will squares or oppositions ... although any conjunction that includes a "malefic planets" is also negative. When any two planets/needs interact in a negative way, each need conflicts with the other need get met, creating inner stress and making it difficult for either need to get met. And whatever style that need/planet has (the Sign it is in), that will be expressed in the negative style of that sign.

    So we have 10 planets, each one finding it easy to get that need met, difficult to get it met, or in some ways easy and in other ways difficult ... all depending on the "aspects" for each planet.

    Signs are styles. A planet/need in a Sign seeks to meet that need by pursuing the behavior of that sign. Constructively or dysfunctionally, depending on how that planet is aspected.

    No one is ONE sign. Everyone has ALL 12 Signs in their chart, but whichever Signs had a planet moving through it will be stronger than an "empty" Sign. But even the "empty" signs influence us .. through the House it is on.

    Houses are areas of the sky. They are not part of your personality so much as they are part of life in general.

    A House is a certain area of the sky. For instance, whatever Sign is on the beginning/cusp of that House, that is the way you approach that area of life. And any planet IN that House will try to meet that need by pursuing that area of life.

    Your Rising Sign is the Sign that was Rising on the eastern horizon at the moment you were born, as seen from the latitude of your birthplace.

    The actual DEGREE of your Rising Sign that was on the Horizon is called your Ascendant (from the word "ascend/rise"), and the Ascendant is the cusp of the First House.

    So you have Sagittarius Rising. The First House is the superficial social mask when we walk into a situation where we are not yet socially comfortable. And the less comfortable we are, the more we hide behind those behaviors.

    Since Houses are areas of sky, and not planets, they are not US.

    Our social mask is just a protective reaction to social discomfort, that we drop once we become comfortable.

    Sagittarius Rising will be very outgoing and friendly, maybe exuberant, certainly positive and tolerant and accepting. Liking to talk in philosophical ways maybe. Cheerful.

    But you have your emotional nature in Scorpio, so your emotions are very intense and you keep them private. Undoubtedly you learned early in life that people do not respond well to you if you show the intensity of your emotions. Sometimes people with Moon in Scorpio have SUCH strong emotions that they repress them completely and are not in touch with their own true feelings. That is not always the case ... we have to look at everything in the birthchart, since it all works as a whole and one factor will have some influence on all the other factors.

    The only reason Sun Sign astrology exists is because the Sun is the only planet you can find from just the month-day of birth, and without extensive calculations (or a software program that does those calculations for you).

    It is not really astrology, but it does make money for people who write about Sun signs and don't care if they are misleading people.

    And since everyone wants simple answers, and since Sun sign astrology IS simple .. it is very appealing to many people.

    But it isn't really what astrology is about.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Yes, I can see the winds of change entering your life around May time

  • GibBas
    Lv 4
    2 years ago

    Everything in your chart is relevant; importance doesn't come into it.

  • Kathy
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    None of that is important in your life.

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  • 2 years ago

    Yes, of course they are important.

    Sun is stronger in men and the moon is stronger in women from my observant.

    Sun let’s us express our egos in a masculine way.

    Moon is a feminine celestial body, showing us it’s beautiful in different phases and forms.

    Source(s): Again it depends on the whole chart, and of course houses/aspects. Scorpio sun and moon
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