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Need opinions on these situations from my boyfriend?

After looking at the txt I discovered somethings and could use feedback.

1- him and his ex txted once while we were officially together. It was about a gym closing and nothing more. I was annoyed she was still there when hes told me the stuff shes done to him. He blocked her.

2- This girl who used to snapchat my bf whyle we were dating txted him asking if he had a girlfriend and he said yes. She clearly didn't care because she wanted to "shoot her shot" and have a date but, he said "my girl" makes me happy.

3- He loves to snapchat and senty some after shower snaps to this one girl. He doesn't send anything to revealing ever but its still the principal. She then had asked to come over and he always said "no its too late" but never said hey I have a girlfriend. But he has sent pics of us to her but she clearly didn't care. In the other txt I saw he said stuff like "drunk txting/calling again?, "somone at the airport looks like you" "im free next week maybe we can hang but I hate how pushy you are with the other stuff about cuddling and coming over"

That last one hurts but again he never said come over and has since blocked and we talked about this all weekend for better understanding and judgment on right and wrong.


1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Is trolling on yahoo still worth it?? Congratulations *****-*** person you just earned yourself a one-way ticket to hell because we're gonna find you and kill your ***** *** and nobody can or will save you from us we're apart of a secret high-trained elite and covert troll-hunting group on yahoo linked to S.E.T.H. and we conduct counter-trolling operations all around the world 24/7 and we have been watching you and all the other trolls very carefully.You trolls are like a ******* disease and we're the cure we're here to exterminate you *****-*** trolls from yahoo permanently we're gonna hunt you down and shut down all your accounts.We show no mercy.If we was you we'd start digging our graves because you just ****** with the wrong people on the wrong website and now we're coming for you and all trolls on yahoo.As we speak I'm tracing your IP address to your exact location.Be aware that there will be no safe-haven on yahoo and nowhere to hide.You should've thought twice before you became

    Source(s): a troll and now you gotta pay the price. We can be anywhere at anytime. /activity/answers?show=YA... C.A.T.O. ( Covert Anti-Trolling Operations )
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