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Kickstarter or Patreon. One or the other or both?

So I am planning to launch a comic book publishing company. I plan to use crowd funding to support the endeavor. Is it a good idea to use either Kickstarter or Patreon or both platforms? Can anyone help out here?

2 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    Neither, you self publish your first few issues and hope you get some sales.

    Unless you already have a little bit of a following with those issues, you wont get funded anyway.

    I know someone currently in the process of doing this, they are getting close to breaking even with their third issue. Once profitable, he can either shop for publishers or continue to do it himself.

    Good Luck.

  • Judy
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    How much of your OWN money do you have saved for it? How much total do you need for startup, including living expenses until you make enough from it to support yourself, assuming your company is successful?

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